Artistic Statement

Much of my craft as playwright is based upon my experience and training as an actor, where (I feel) the greatest measure of success is connection with the audience. The way we connect to our audience as playwrights is to take risks, be clear, attempt the impossible, and to craft our work with great rigor, detail, and love.

I have a fascination for that which is unseen, which has led me to explore subjects such as faith, corruption, magic, cryptozoology and hidden sub-cultures. I also have a keen interest in the battle between the forces of violence and the forces of compassion, and how we, as people, choose sides in this struggle.

Gregory Paul

Artistic Statement

Much of my craft as playwright is based upon my experience and training as an actor, where (I feel) the greatest measure of success is connection with the audience. The way we connect to our audience as playwrights is to take risks, be clear, attempt the impossible, and to craft our work with great rigor, detail, and love.

I have a fascination for that which is unseen, which has led me to explore subjects such as faith, corruption, magic, cryptozoology and hidden sub-cultures. I also have a keen interest in the battle between the forces of violence and the forces of compassion, and how we, as people, choose sides in this struggle.