Artistic Statement

Theater is community engagement at every level. Everything we create, every conversation we start, every word we write is for the ongoing wellness and curiosity of our communities and their care. What we want from our art, I believe, is longevity. In order to achieve accessible, equitable, and sustainable theater at every level, we need to begin and end with theater as a cornerstone for community care. How is your work a gift to those you are writing for, and how do we get our people in the door?

Darcy Parker Bruce

Artistic Statement

Theater is community engagement at every level. Everything we create, every conversation we start, every word we write is for the ongoing wellness and curiosity of our communities and their care. What we want from our art, I believe, is longevity. In order to achieve accessible, equitable, and sustainable theater at every level, we need to begin and end with theater as a cornerstone for community care. How is your work a gift to those you are writing for, and how do we get our people in the door?