Artistic Statement

As a playwright, life and leadership coach and Zen practitioner, I examine how we communicate, make choices, and live in each moment. Knowing that everything is always changing, how do we live a life of peace, justice, and equanimity? I hope audience members walk away from the theater asking how do I live a life that matters.

I often incorporate waking dreams, poetry, humor, mindfulness, music and movement in my work.

Sue Schleifer

Artistic Statement

As a playwright, life and leadership coach and Zen practitioner, I examine how we communicate, make choices, and live in each moment. Knowing that everything is always changing, how do we live a life of peace, justice, and equanimity? I hope audience members walk away from the theater asking how do I live a life that matters.

I often incorporate waking dreams, poetry, humor, mindfulness, music and movement in my work.