Artistic Statement

Emilio addresses social issues in a manner that asks questions for the audience and provides a starting point for dialogue. Much of his work is comedic in nature or features comedic scenes in order to enable the audience to feel comfortable with the often difficult topics. His plays address everything from implicit racism to lack of resources for LGBT youth of color and even the taboo topic of colorism within the Latino community. He strives to continue to make his plays accessible for all audiences with the hope of enabling many unheard voices to see themselves as heroes.

Emilio Rodriguez

Artistic Statement

Emilio addresses social issues in a manner that asks questions for the audience and provides a starting point for dialogue. Much of his work is comedic in nature or features comedic scenes in order to enable the audience to feel comfortable with the often difficult topics. His plays address everything from implicit racism to lack of resources for LGBT youth of color and even the taboo topic of colorism within the Latino community. He strives to continue to make his plays accessible for all audiences with the hope of enabling many unheard voices to see themselves as heroes.