Artistic Statement

My plays tend toward the theatrical, the absurd, and the expressionistic while remaining heavily reliant on factual underpinnings. My work is often imbued with humor. Somewhere between the satire of Voltaire’s Candide and the comedic desperation of Becket’s Waiting for Godot, with a heavy dose of the Coen Brothers’ Fargo darkness, lies my own aesthetic.

Libby Heily

Artistic Statement

My plays tend toward the theatrical, the absurd, and the expressionistic while remaining heavily reliant on factual underpinnings. My work is often imbued with humor. Somewhere between the satire of Voltaire’s Candide and the comedic desperation of Becket’s Waiting for Godot, with a heavy dose of the Coen Brothers’ Fargo darkness, lies my own aesthetic.