Artistic Statement

I strive to be fierce in my work and honest in my life.
When I am both fierce and honest, I feel the most fulfilled as a playwright.
Having written my first play at age 6, in the Bronx, and my latest play at age 56 in the suburbs, I still feel the same excitement of creation and lifting of my heart, when I write.
For this I am thankful and feel blessed by all the incredible mentors I have had in my life, especially Maria Irene Fornes, who insisted that all her students revel in the ugly-beautiful of their memories and ground their fiction in that specific and fundamental foundation.

Migdalia Cruz

Artistic Statement

I strive to be fierce in my work and honest in my life.
When I am both fierce and honest, I feel the most fulfilled as a playwright.
Having written my first play at age 6, in the Bronx, and my latest play at age 56 in the suburbs, I still feel the same excitement of creation and lifting of my heart, when I write.
For this I am thankful and feel blessed by all the incredible mentors I have had in my life, especially Maria Irene Fornes, who insisted that all her students revel in the ugly-beautiful of their memories and ground their fiction in that specific and fundamental foundation.