Artistic Statement

As a playwright, I believe speculative (fantasy, magic realism, horror, etc) art helps reveal bits of the universe, and am currently most interested in exploring the impact of myth and archetype on the modern and future psyche.

As an artist of many intersectionalities (Jewish, Femme, Latine, NB, middle-aged, invisibly disabled), I believe representation is important both in storytelling and casting. My work, while not necessarily shoving issues in your face (I prefer a thematic approach), generally seeks to include a diverse range of bodies and stories, with wide opportunities for femme-presenting folk of all ages/types - it's refreshing to begin to see these folks in speculative work, and my work is ready and willing to support that.

Carolynne Wilcox

Artistic Statement

As a playwright, I believe speculative (fantasy, magic realism, horror, etc) art helps reveal bits of the universe, and am currently most interested in exploring the impact of myth and archetype on the modern and future psyche.

As an artist of many intersectionalities (Jewish, Femme, Latine, NB, middle-aged, invisibly disabled), I believe representation is important both in storytelling and casting. My work, while not necessarily shoving issues in your face (I prefer a thematic approach), generally seeks to include a diverse range of bodies and stories, with wide opportunities for femme-presenting folk of all ages/types - it's refreshing to begin to see these folks in speculative work, and my work is ready and willing to support that.