Artistic Statement

As an artist, my intention is always the same: illumination and revelation. Whether I am writing, directing, or acting, the impetus behind my work is to uncover an idea, or even a feeling, that somehow gives useful meaning to our human existence. Shedding light on our common shadows gives me an indescribable rush. Black people are usually at the center of the stories that I create. (Usually, but not always.) Through the specificity of Black narratives, I strive to reach the universality of the broader human experience. I also have an abiding love for telling stories on stage that are steeped in a hip-hop aesthetic. I believe that the possibilities of creating art that exists at the intersection of theatre and hip-hop are endless. While I don’t work exclusively in the Hip-Hop Theatre form, I relish opportunities to tell great stories in that medium. In all the work I do, there is a deep commitment to pairing the values of authenticity and accessibility. The work has to feel real and strike a truthful chord while simultaneously resonating with as many people in the audience as possible—whoever those people in the audience may be. Ultimately, I simply want to tell stories that raise consciousness and bring great beauty into the world. Everything else is gravy.

Psalmayene 24

Artistic Statement

As an artist, my intention is always the same: illumination and revelation. Whether I am writing, directing, or acting, the impetus behind my work is to uncover an idea, or even a feeling, that somehow gives useful meaning to our human existence. Shedding light on our common shadows gives me an indescribable rush. Black people are usually at the center of the stories that I create. (Usually, but not always.) Through the specificity of Black narratives, I strive to reach the universality of the broader human experience. I also have an abiding love for telling stories on stage that are steeped in a hip-hop aesthetic. I believe that the possibilities of creating art that exists at the intersection of theatre and hip-hop are endless. While I don’t work exclusively in the Hip-Hop Theatre form, I relish opportunities to tell great stories in that medium. In all the work I do, there is a deep commitment to pairing the values of authenticity and accessibility. The work has to feel real and strike a truthful chord while simultaneously resonating with as many people in the audience as possible—whoever those people in the audience may be. Ultimately, I simply want to tell stories that raise consciousness and bring great beauty into the world. Everything else is gravy.