Artistic Statement

Playwriting is at my core. It’s the all of me. It’s who I am and everything I want to be. As far back as 3rd grade I was writing plays. I don't even know if I knew they were called plays. It makes sense - I was playing then. Writing plays still allows me to play. It makes it possible for me to find laughter in that which is sad, to find hope in that which is hopeless, to see the light in the dark and the dark in the light. Art gives presence and meaning to what might otherwise slip out of existence without notice. Ironically -- Life, in all its existential meaninglessness, is what gives art meaning. It provides the gentleness, the humor, the horror, and the beauty that fills our inkwells, colors our palettes, tunes our instruments, and gives shape to the space we inhabit. Life is what we live and art is how we live it.

Karen Howes

Artistic Statement

Playwriting is at my core. It’s the all of me. It’s who I am and everything I want to be. As far back as 3rd grade I was writing plays. I don't even know if I knew they were called plays. It makes sense - I was playing then. Writing plays still allows me to play. It makes it possible for me to find laughter in that which is sad, to find hope in that which is hopeless, to see the light in the dark and the dark in the light. Art gives presence and meaning to what might otherwise slip out of existence without notice. Ironically -- Life, in all its existential meaninglessness, is what gives art meaning. It provides the gentleness, the humor, the horror, and the beauty that fills our inkwells, colors our palettes, tunes our instruments, and gives shape to the space we inhabit. Life is what we live and art is how we live it.