Artistic Statement

I have an eclectic range of styles. Some of my plays are plot driven, while others are episodic and non-linear. Content overrides form and therefore, I have written 10 minute plays, one acts plays and full length plays, as well as, comedies, dramas, and plays for youth. Many of my plays deal with social issues: Portraits (co authored with Camika Spencer) (prejudice), The Dog Daze of Summer, (a multimedia one woman dramedy which can partner with non profit animal shelters/orphanages), “Mother’s Goose is cooked … and other Nursing Rhymes from the Oldshue Retirement Home” (aging), “Remnants of a Dream” (immigration), “7-10 Split” (sexual orientation), “The Swing” (racism).

Ruth Cantrell

Artistic Statement

I have an eclectic range of styles. Some of my plays are plot driven, while others are episodic and non-linear. Content overrides form and therefore, I have written 10 minute plays, one acts plays and full length plays, as well as, comedies, dramas, and plays for youth. Many of my plays deal with social issues: Portraits (co authored with Camika Spencer) (prejudice), The Dog Daze of Summer, (a multimedia one woman dramedy which can partner with non profit animal shelters/orphanages), “Mother’s Goose is cooked … and other Nursing Rhymes from the Oldshue Retirement Home” (aging), “Remnants of a Dream” (immigration), “7-10 Split” (sexual orientation), “The Swing” (racism).