Artistic Statement

My work explores the struggle to find meaning, set against the limitations of human knowledge. I am interested in how we persevere, how we pursue honesty and identity with so little to cling to, how we have to embrace this struggle as the necessary path to understand oneself, one another, and the world. I often utilize myth in my work to capture the timeless dimension of our struggles, but balance it with day-to-day reality to foreground the natural world in which we live. I am interested in the rhythm of language, the ways in which a particular style can be timeless and contemporary, how words can capture the leaps of the imagination while staying grounded in the quotidian world.

Neil Wechsler

Artistic Statement

My work explores the struggle to find meaning, set against the limitations of human knowledge. I am interested in how we persevere, how we pursue honesty and identity with so little to cling to, how we have to embrace this struggle as the necessary path to understand oneself, one another, and the world. I often utilize myth in my work to capture the timeless dimension of our struggles, but balance it with day-to-day reality to foreground the natural world in which we live. I am interested in the rhythm of language, the ways in which a particular style can be timeless and contemporary, how words can capture the leaps of the imagination while staying grounded in the quotidian world.