Artistic Statement

I am an Afro-Latina playwright and performing artist from the Bronx. My Puerto Rican and Jamaican heritage is
deeply rooted in my artistic expression. My aesthetic is made up of the world that has nurtured me:
the roaring city, the aroma of arroz con guandules and jerk chicken, the fabrics of family drama, the silenced
cries of neighborhood tragedies, the vibrant colors of adolescent curiosity, the soft ballads of first-love, and the resilient terrains of poverty. I write political, philosophical, and character driven plays; my work constantly
explores the Black and Latino Diaspora, human flaws and desires, the role of matriarchy, and the nature
of our existence.

Christin Eve Cato

Artistic Statement

I am an Afro-Latina playwright and performing artist from the Bronx. My Puerto Rican and Jamaican heritage is
deeply rooted in my artistic expression. My aesthetic is made up of the world that has nurtured me:
the roaring city, the aroma of arroz con guandules and jerk chicken, the fabrics of family drama, the silenced
cries of neighborhood tragedies, the vibrant colors of adolescent curiosity, the soft ballads of first-love, and the resilient terrains of poverty. I write political, philosophical, and character driven plays; my work constantly
explores the Black and Latino Diaspora, human flaws and desires, the role of matriarchy, and the nature
of our existence.