Artistic Statement

I’m interested in how personal stories intersect with the public interpretation of shared cultural events such as mass shootings, the Holocaust, and evolving science and technology. I explore how we revise narratives about the past to create the stories we need to tell ourselves now. My interests arise from my history as the daughter of Holocaust survivors and from the many years I’ve worked as a museum exhibit developer. Regardless of the exhibit topic—Enslaved Workers on a Maryland Plantation, Manipulation of the Human Genome—my role is to encourage people to reconsider stories they think they know. That’s also what I do as a playwright. But my goal is not to find an answer and convince people to agree with me. I want to raise questions they may not have previously considered— and let them sort it out. Everything I write emerges from questions I’m trying to answer for myself.

Sari Boren

Artistic Statement

I’m interested in how personal stories intersect with the public interpretation of shared cultural events such as mass shootings, the Holocaust, and evolving science and technology. I explore how we revise narratives about the past to create the stories we need to tell ourselves now. My interests arise from my history as the daughter of Holocaust survivors and from the many years I’ve worked as a museum exhibit developer. Regardless of the exhibit topic—Enslaved Workers on a Maryland Plantation, Manipulation of the Human Genome—my role is to encourage people to reconsider stories they think they know. That’s also what I do as a playwright. But my goal is not to find an answer and convince people to agree with me. I want to raise questions they may not have previously considered— and let them sort it out. Everything I write emerges from questions I’m trying to answer for myself.