Artistic Statement

I care about art that seeks to illuminate humanity, create empathy, and doesn't divide us up, but pulls us all together.
I care about art that acknowledges and sits with the difficult things.
I care about art that looks for genuine hope and silver linings.
I care about art that is collaborative, innovative, challenging, progressive, and honest.
I care about art that enables the voices and hears the voices of underrepresented people in my country, like Black folks, Womxn, Queer folks, Indigenous peoples, and Latiné peoples.
I care about art that seeks to undo the conditioning of the collective settler-colonized, hierarchical structures that have informed performing arts training and production in Western Theatre for centuries.

Tiffany Gilly-Forrer

Artistic Statement

I care about art that seeks to illuminate humanity, create empathy, and doesn't divide us up, but pulls us all together.
I care about art that acknowledges and sits with the difficult things.
I care about art that looks for genuine hope and silver linings.
I care about art that is collaborative, innovative, challenging, progressive, and honest.
I care about art that enables the voices and hears the voices of underrepresented people in my country, like Black folks, Womxn, Queer folks, Indigenous peoples, and Latiné peoples.
I care about art that seeks to undo the conditioning of the collective settler-colonized, hierarchical structures that have informed performing arts training and production in Western Theatre for centuries.