Artistic Statement

Although I came to playwriting late in life, my interest in drama started in childhood. As a middle child in a family of eleven I was certainly exposed to plenty of interpersonal dynamics. Talk about character! Talk about conflict! And, as if there weren’t enough stories unfolding in my family, my sisters and I would act out scenes from our favorite books. How I loved playing Jo in Little Women! I found the immersion into a character’s point of view, and its clash with other points of view, fascinating.

This interest in interpersonal dynamics developed into a career as a mental health therapist, which has informed my writing deeply. Helping resolve conflict has been my work, and through it I’ve learned to take multiple perspectives and understand how these play out in relationships.

This ability to take others' points of view led naturally to an enjoyment of acting, which then led to playwriting. I find the creation of worlds, development of character, and the struggle to resolve conflict fascinating. I see the human condition as endlessly tragic and endlessly funny, and my work is often a combination of both. I work, in playwriting, to shed light on, and honor those struggles.

Maripat Allen

Artistic Statement

Although I came to playwriting late in life, my interest in drama started in childhood. As a middle child in a family of eleven I was certainly exposed to plenty of interpersonal dynamics. Talk about character! Talk about conflict! And, as if there weren’t enough stories unfolding in my family, my sisters and I would act out scenes from our favorite books. How I loved playing Jo in Little Women! I found the immersion into a character’s point of view, and its clash with other points of view, fascinating.

This interest in interpersonal dynamics developed into a career as a mental health therapist, which has informed my writing deeply. Helping resolve conflict has been my work, and through it I’ve learned to take multiple perspectives and understand how these play out in relationships.

This ability to take others' points of view led naturally to an enjoyment of acting, which then led to playwriting. I find the creation of worlds, development of character, and the struggle to resolve conflict fascinating. I see the human condition as endlessly tragic and endlessly funny, and my work is often a combination of both. I work, in playwriting, to shed light on, and honor those struggles.