Artistic Statement

In my work, the political is always personal, and so I seek to follow the threads of the choices and trade-offs we make both as individuals and as part of a collective--invariably with unhappy, if not dystopian, results. I believe that theater can and should illuminate and encourage public discourse, but that does not mean that consensus is the goal. I also believe in the power of non-linear narrative as a way to provoke questions and even confusion. I do not choose to spoon-feed consumers of theater.

Amy Bernstein

Artistic Statement

In my work, the political is always personal, and so I seek to follow the threads of the choices and trade-offs we make both as individuals and as part of a collective--invariably with unhappy, if not dystopian, results. I believe that theater can and should illuminate and encourage public discourse, but that does not mean that consensus is the goal. I also believe in the power of non-linear narrative as a way to provoke questions and even confusion. I do not choose to spoon-feed consumers of theater.