Artistic Statement

I write to create worlds where we can expand the accepted parameters of our own. My work is magical realist and often presents characters in the absence of, opposition to, or in search of community. I love to use storytelling as a means to enjoy a momentary shared reality, knowing at once that no two audience members will experience it in quite the same way. This creates a powerfully transcendent, and ultimately human space that can exist outside of the conventions of a cis-white-hetero-patriarchy.

Like many artists, I often come to my craft as a space of commiseration. Writing has given me the tools to heal emotional and social wounds and find catharsis by sharing iterations of deeply personal experiences. It is in many ways a spiritual practice.

While my writing continues to be deeply personal and healing, I am beginning to explore what it looks like to transcend the retelling of trauma, particularly as a queer, trans, person of color. I am finding myself increasingly searching for joy and transformation within my work. I am beginning to more fully realize the power of re-telling the world as I wish to see it.

Javier Rivera DeBruin

Artistic Statement

I write to create worlds where we can expand the accepted parameters of our own. My work is magical realist and often presents characters in the absence of, opposition to, or in search of community. I love to use storytelling as a means to enjoy a momentary shared reality, knowing at once that no two audience members will experience it in quite the same way. This creates a powerfully transcendent, and ultimately human space that can exist outside of the conventions of a cis-white-hetero-patriarchy.

Like many artists, I often come to my craft as a space of commiseration. Writing has given me the tools to heal emotional and social wounds and find catharsis by sharing iterations of deeply personal experiences. It is in many ways a spiritual practice.

While my writing continues to be deeply personal and healing, I am beginning to explore what it looks like to transcend the retelling of trauma, particularly as a queer, trans, person of color. I am finding myself increasingly searching for joy and transformation within my work. I am beginning to more fully realize the power of re-telling the world as I wish to see it.