Artistic Statement

I tell mythical, magical, and human stories that recognize the ways in which our world is changing (both for the better and the more perilous) and to shed some light on how we may use that to connect; how we may change our course; and how there is always a way, in the end, to be real and together because we are here with each other and that matters. I’m intensely interested in climate change, sisterhood, female friendships, female sexuality, and women’s roles in higher-education and bureaucracies. My work relies on wit and movement alike, as my heroines dream of and chase after better worlds.

Mallory Jane Weiss

Artistic Statement

I tell mythical, magical, and human stories that recognize the ways in which our world is changing (both for the better and the more perilous) and to shed some light on how we may use that to connect; how we may change our course; and how there is always a way, in the end, to be real and together because we are here with each other and that matters. I’m intensely interested in climate change, sisterhood, female friendships, female sexuality, and women’s roles in higher-education and bureaucracies. My work relies on wit and movement alike, as my heroines dream of and chase after better worlds.