Artistic Statement

Ghost stories aren’t about “The dead.” They’re about the passionate life one leads, the tangible reaction we have to what scares us, and the question of “What’s next?” As an out trans woman I had to live, for a brief period like a ghost. Entering and exiting a house without being seen or heard, taking items, creating dirty dishes, and moving things around but rarely if ever physically manifesting to my loved ones. I create art, and theatre in general, to celebrate the voices of those, like me, who have felt rarely seen, heard, or experienced.

I am inspired by radical queer love, sci fi and fantasy story telling, professional wrestling, classic comedy, and, to absolutely no surprise, good old fashioned ghost stories. While I write for a lot of different mediums, theatre is the medium I’m most passionate about because it creates visceral reactions and theatre lends itself to collaboration more than any art form I have worked in. I have the opportunity and advantage of cooperating with so many other artists interested in sharing their experience, love, and perspective on how to achieve the best piece of art we can.

I write pieces which are deeply unsettling yet funny, resonate with my own millennial generation as much as it does with those outside it, attacks notions of complacency, the gender binary, and asks questions that scare me. I strive to find out what is beyond the realms of life as we know it to better understand the ghosts we all live with.

Ashley Lauren Rogers

Artistic Statement

Ghost stories aren’t about “The dead.” They’re about the passionate life one leads, the tangible reaction we have to what scares us, and the question of “What’s next?” As an out trans woman I had to live, for a brief period like a ghost. Entering and exiting a house without being seen or heard, taking items, creating dirty dishes, and moving things around but rarely if ever physically manifesting to my loved ones. I create art, and theatre in general, to celebrate the voices of those, like me, who have felt rarely seen, heard, or experienced.

I am inspired by radical queer love, sci fi and fantasy story telling, professional wrestling, classic comedy, and, to absolutely no surprise, good old fashioned ghost stories. While I write for a lot of different mediums, theatre is the medium I’m most passionate about because it creates visceral reactions and theatre lends itself to collaboration more than any art form I have worked in. I have the opportunity and advantage of cooperating with so many other artists interested in sharing their experience, love, and perspective on how to achieve the best piece of art we can.

I write pieces which are deeply unsettling yet funny, resonate with my own millennial generation as much as it does with those outside it, attacks notions of complacency, the gender binary, and asks questions that scare me. I strive to find out what is beyond the realms of life as we know it to better understand the ghosts we all live with.