Artistic Statement

As an indigenous American, I've rarely seen our voices on the stage. It was something I never realized until I started writing my own plays. I never intended to tell indigenous stories, but found myself drawn back to write what I see was missing from the theatre - authentic stories of the lives of indigenous people in America today. This play is semi auto-biographical in nature, but it is really about the journey of so many native Americans in every corner of our country.

Marty Strenczewilk

Artistic Statement

As an indigenous American, I've rarely seen our voices on the stage. It was something I never realized until I started writing my own plays. I never intended to tell indigenous stories, but found myself drawn back to write what I see was missing from the theatre - authentic stories of the lives of indigenous people in America today. This play is semi auto-biographical in nature, but it is really about the journey of so many native Americans in every corner of our country.