Artistic Statement

As an artist I strive to climb the ladder since being an immigrant coming with a specific mixed background I've had to hustle for everything I have. That being said one of the things that truly inspires me too is questioning the human condition. Putting characters in extreme situations where everything we hold as truths are questioned. Questioning the human condition that is what I'd say I love the most. Putting a mirror not to society but to our humanity.

Emile Lacheny

Artistic Statement

As an artist I strive to climb the ladder since being an immigrant coming with a specific mixed background I've had to hustle for everything I have. That being said one of the things that truly inspires me too is questioning the human condition. Putting characters in extreme situations where everything we hold as truths are questioned. Questioning the human condition that is what I'd say I love the most. Putting a mirror not to society but to our humanity.