Artistic Statement

I am a public radio journalist, who also does workplace diversity and inclusion training for a living. I have to be tactful and linear and do my best to not offend while talking about tough, emotional subjects in my work. But as a playwright, I have the Universe at my disposal to voice, through characters and plot, a world of circumstances and stories that defy pandering to politeness (please notice that I did not say correctness) or that even bow to time and space. I am a later-in-life playwright, but clearly, my stories were bursting to get out of me and on to stages.

Michelle Tyrene Johnson

Artistic Statement

I am a public radio journalist, who also does workplace diversity and inclusion training for a living. I have to be tactful and linear and do my best to not offend while talking about tough, emotional subjects in my work. But as a playwright, I have the Universe at my disposal to voice, through characters and plot, a world of circumstances and stories that defy pandering to politeness (please notice that I did not say correctness) or that even bow to time and space. I am a later-in-life playwright, but clearly, my stories were bursting to get out of me and on to stages.