Artistic Statement

I am a Colombian immigrant writer. I approach my work from both worlds. I consider myself an American, because I was raised here but I also have a pull to be a part of my home country. Immigrants often
feel a sense of not belonging in either country, and I definitely feel separate from the place I was born. In a lot of my work, such as “Policarpa” and “The Ghosts of Bogota”, I’m trying to reconcile the two with my own vision of Colombia.

Diana Burbano

Artistic Statement

I am a Colombian immigrant writer. I approach my work from both worlds. I consider myself an American, because I was raised here but I also have a pull to be a part of my home country. Immigrants often
feel a sense of not belonging in either country, and I definitely feel separate from the place I was born. In a lot of my work, such as “Policarpa” and “The Ghosts of Bogota”, I’m trying to reconcile the two with my own vision of Colombia.