Artistic Statement

What drives me as a Theatre Artist is the opportunity to explore the human condition, highlight the margins, and champion the underdog through new stories. As a playwright, I strive to stay curious, hone my craft and create work that sustains my spirit. I love the musicality of language and strive to incorporate those rhythms into my plays. In my most recent plays, I've discovered a fondness for non-linear scene work, as my brain prefers stories that spiral, versus straight lines. My mission is to
tell stories that open our hearts and minds, amplifying voices who were formerly silent. I envision a theatre where we embrace integrity, vulnerability and collaboration. I seek to educate and inspire people to: be the best version of themselves, own their shadows, and shine their light, while we explore the magic in the mess.

Alāna Rader

Artistic Statement

What drives me as a Theatre Artist is the opportunity to explore the human condition, highlight the margins, and champion the underdog through new stories. As a playwright, I strive to stay curious, hone my craft and create work that sustains my spirit. I love the musicality of language and strive to incorporate those rhythms into my plays. In my most recent plays, I've discovered a fondness for non-linear scene work, as my brain prefers stories that spiral, versus straight lines. My mission is to
tell stories that open our hearts and minds, amplifying voices who were formerly silent. I envision a theatre where we embrace integrity, vulnerability and collaboration. I seek to educate and inspire people to: be the best version of themselves, own their shadows, and shine their light, while we explore the magic in the mess.