Artistic Statement

The theater is not accessible to the average adult under 30 in America. The space is often no where near them, the stories on stage often do not reflect them, and the ticket prices are often too high for many to afford. There's even a good chance many will not even know about the theaters in their neighborhood. This deprives young people from being part of the cultural identity of their community, and deprives the community of vital young perspectives. These are basic, undeniable facts. However, it doesn't need to be this way. The theater needs to make space for all in order to be its most powerful.

My goal as a theater artist is to help ease this gap in both age and understanding by creating highly contemporary and innovative works that center aesthetics/themes relevant to the average gen-z/millennial. My work relies on contradictions, extremes. The frivolous lies we tell ourselves, the deep truths we created them for. The clown creature and the human under the makeup. My worlds are black and white, comedy and horror, all one thing or all the other, to show that our actual world is anything but. My work often satirizes popular TV, movies, video-games, or whatever media has particular meaning in the young person's zeitgeist. My work aims to help shift the image of both what’s on stage and who’s in the audience by presenting stories/ideas that have been historically silenced or overlooked. My work aims to be an invitation to first time theater goers, and a breath of fresh air to long standing members of the community. And, ideally, my work aims to be a lot of fun.

Rose Farrell

Artistic Statement

The theater is not accessible to the average adult under 30 in America. The space is often no where near them, the stories on stage often do not reflect them, and the ticket prices are often too high for many to afford. There's even a good chance many will not even know about the theaters in their neighborhood. This deprives young people from being part of the cultural identity of their community, and deprives the community of vital young perspectives. These are basic, undeniable facts. However, it doesn't need to be this way. The theater needs to make space for all in order to be its most powerful.

My goal as a theater artist is to help ease this gap in both age and understanding by creating highly contemporary and innovative works that center aesthetics/themes relevant to the average gen-z/millennial. My work relies on contradictions, extremes. The frivolous lies we tell ourselves, the deep truths we created them for. The clown creature and the human under the makeup. My worlds are black and white, comedy and horror, all one thing or all the other, to show that our actual world is anything but. My work often satirizes popular TV, movies, video-games, or whatever media has particular meaning in the young person's zeitgeist. My work aims to help shift the image of both what’s on stage and who’s in the audience by presenting stories/ideas that have been historically silenced or overlooked. My work aims to be an invitation to first time theater goers, and a breath of fresh air to long standing members of the community. And, ideally, my work aims to be a lot of fun.