Artistic Statement
I come to play writing very late in life. Following the maxim of writing what you know I have a written a play based on my experience of growing up in a community of holocaust survivors in New York City in the 1950s. It is naturalistic in style. I want to produce the play for the Philadelphia Fringe Festival 2024. But I don't want this to be a vanity project in which the work satisfies now one but myself. I need a reality check and feedback from dramaturgs and other playwrights; something along the lines of; "This play is viable if you made the following changes/improvements..."
larry hirschhorn
Artistic Statement
I come to play writing very late in life. Following the maxim of writing what you know I have a written a play based on my experience of growing up in a community of holocaust survivors in New York City in the 1950s. It is naturalistic in style. I want to produce the play for the Philadelphia Fringe Festival 2024. But I don't want this to be a vanity project in which the work satisfies now one but myself. I need a reality check and feedback from dramaturgs and other playwrights; something along the lines of; "This play is viable if you made the following changes/improvements..."