Artistic Statement

For much of my career I have written political plays – plays of ideas. AS IT IS IN HEAVEN centered on an amendment to the Constitution declaring the United States a Christian nation. VOIR DIRE centered on the outsized responsibility felt by an African-American juror as she joined an otherwise all-white jury in deliberating the fate of an African-American defendant. ORWELL IN AMERICA centered on an imaginary book tour by the great polemicist George Orwell as he attempts to convince his American readership that he is in fact a socialist. My current play, TWIRL, was inspired by Clarence Thomas' wife Ginni calling Anita Hill years after the confirmation hearings to ask her to apologize. Some of the work I am doing now -- US, BEAUTY, is more personal in nature. There is still a political element – in the first case relating to affluent families and their parenting neurosis, in the second to “the tyranny of beauty”…but the overall feeling is more heart than mind. And that too is quite interesting to me.

Joe Sutton

Artistic Statement

For much of my career I have written political plays – plays of ideas. AS IT IS IN HEAVEN centered on an amendment to the Constitution declaring the United States a Christian nation. VOIR DIRE centered on the outsized responsibility felt by an African-American juror as she joined an otherwise all-white jury in deliberating the fate of an African-American defendant. ORWELL IN AMERICA centered on an imaginary book tour by the great polemicist George Orwell as he attempts to convince his American readership that he is in fact a socialist. My current play, TWIRL, was inspired by Clarence Thomas' wife Ginni calling Anita Hill years after the confirmation hearings to ask her to apologize. Some of the work I am doing now -- US, BEAUTY, is more personal in nature. There is still a political element – in the first case relating to affluent families and their parenting neurosis, in the second to “the tyranny of beauty”…but the overall feeling is more heart than mind. And that too is quite interesting to me.