Recommended by Jean Ciampi

  • Jean Ciampi: After the Flood

    Creatively imagined and sharply written, you can't help but love Noah and his wife. The down side to the script is that it's only ten minutes long!

    Creatively imagined and sharply written, you can't help but love Noah and his wife. The down side to the script is that it's only ten minutes long!

  • Jean Ciampi: The Amazing Adventures of Not Batman

    A goofy, real and fast-paced romp through the mind of a struggling author in the clutches of an evil writer's block. It's hard not to bounce in your seat and clap for more!

    A goofy, real and fast-paced romp through the mind of a struggling author in the clutches of an evil writer's block. It's hard not to bounce in your seat and clap for more!

  • Jean Ciampi: About Time

    This is a sweet 10-minute script that engages the audience nicely with relatable, authentic characters.

    This is a sweet 10-minute script that engages the audience nicely with relatable, authentic characters.

  • Jean Ciampi: THE ANNOUNCEMENT, A Comedy

    A fun, engaging comedy with unexpected twists and a cast of characters that you can't help but enjoy. It's smart and well written.

    A fun, engaging comedy with unexpected twists and a cast of characters that you can't help but enjoy. It's smart and well written.