Recommended by Daniel Prillaman

  • Some Things Never Die
    8 Jan. 2021
    A smart, unsettling horror that makes excellent use of the Zoom medium, Ki’s play makes you uncomfortable in the best of ways, asking which of us deserve to be condemned for the choices we made as children. Obviously whether we deserve punishment or not doesn’t exactly matter when an angry spirit is involved, but the question is a dense one, and watching the characters battle both is fun, scary, and disturbing.
  • The Baddest Kid on Emerson
    5 Jan. 2021
    There’s a brutal, visceral horror in this play that isn’t usually found in Martin’s work. I am almost thankful of that because “The Baddest Kid on Emerson” is absolutely terrifying. It is a stunning, jaw-dropping criticism of American values and our culture’s unique relationship with violence. There’s so much to unpack in these ten short pages, from Keith’s time in the war to the notable lack of stage time Martin gives Vince and Violet’s parents. My God, this one will stick with you for a long time.
  • A Ghost Story
    4 Jan. 2021
    This touching short defiantly skewers the “bury your gays” trope with a tender heart. There is an anger and frustrated grief woven throughout Alex and Percival’s conversation, but Tirado-Ortiz beautifully allows the characters a victorious way through it that fills your soul with warmth. Funny, sexy, and thought-provoking, this play is a breath of fresh air (aside from the smell of Alex’s corpse).
  • The Shady Lady: A Robust Blend of Privilege, Influence, and White Collar Crime
    3 Jan. 2021
    “The Shady Lady” is a goddamned delight. I cannot stress how refreshingly funny this play is. It is absolutely hysterical and gives every member of its cast (which is mostly funny older women!) multiple opportunities to shine. It is ruthlessly dry, expertly paced, and sprinkled with just the perfect amount of biting criticism of the patriarchy on top. Any producing team will have a surefire hoot with this, because embezzlement has never been more of a joy to watch. Highly recommend.
  • Exhibits in the Zoo
    2 Jan. 2021
    Wow. Harmon’s play is a poignant and heartfelt feat, creating a tremendous playground for young actors (and designers) amidst the backdrop of German-occupied Poland. I am in awe of Harmon's skill here, because he NAILS the impossibly thin line of respecting and acknowledging the grim truth of the history, while still allowing the characters freedom in the joy and wonder they find. It is precisely the kind of script we need more of, no matter your age, and is a staggering piece of theatre you need to be aware of.
  • The Fast and the Führer-Less
    1 Jan. 2021
    The best jokes also move the plot forward. They build on one another, and the repetition causes just as much hilarity as the subject matter itself. Busser nails this short about scientists asking the age old question of “should we or should we not kill baby Hitler?” As they debate, it gets worse. For them, of course, for us, it’s some brilliant dark comedy that will leave you in guffaws. This little play deserves a long life ahead of it, and I imagine it will get one. If not, I guess the scientists will be able to fix it.
  • Daniel Prillaman Really Likes Kittens
    31 Dec. 2020
    This play, while inaccurate, is funny and adorable (and not just because of the animal actor). Martin's imagination is on full display, creating a goofy, well-meaning situational comedy that is in no way true or based on real life. I have met many kittens and adult felines and have amicable relationships with them all. I have no more comments to make on the matter, except to once again congratulate Martin on such a chuckle-inducing fictional portrait of myself, perhaps the most humbling example of the wonderful ways NPX can connect fellow playwrights.
  • Coffee House Boos
    31 Dec. 2020
    As a former barista, I wish my more interesting days could equate to the hijinks at hand here. Agatha and Malcolm are that perfect duo, constantly ruining everything just enough to make Willow’s attempts to do her job absolutely hilarious to watch. With the addition of a surprisingly heartwarming ending about connection in any form, you’ve got a brilliant little short for any festival.
  • Under Multicolored Lights
    30 Dec. 2020
    With a skill to be envied, Cathro touches on a vast amount of food for thought in just ten pages. I can’t recall any time I’ve encountered such a quick and to the point Christmas drama, let alone one so moving. Sometimes, you rarely care or give thought to things that might mean the world to others. What a beautiful reminder.
  • Eucalyptus Drops, Cobblestone Alleyways, Sodium Pentathol and You
    30 Dec. 2020
    Snarky lady protagonist? Check. Talking cat? Yep. Ethical dilemmas about meddling with time? Plummer’s play has it all and more, and is a fast-paced, cheeky treat to scratch the time traveler in all of us. Absolutely lovely in every regard.
