Recommended by Daniel Prillaman

    25 Apr. 2020
    This is a superb piece of theatre. Malakhow’s play is masterful and arresting, but most of all, it is deeply felt, illuminating the daily, seemingly innocent scenarios which cause anguish for those next to us without our realizing. Not only does the play do this with some of the most beautiful dialogue I have seen in a long time, but it proffers complex questions about suffering, addiction, and all of humanity’s preconceived notions about them. Tremendous job. And the Beehive is brilliant. In every way. I look forward to seeing this piece grow.
  • Tracy Jones
    20 Apr. 2020
    This is a fantastic piece of comedic drama with just the right amount of cringe. Not only does Kaplan teach us about the history of the buffalo wing, but he gives us a hilarious and poignant musing on the nature of loneliness and our need for genuine connection (as well as far we might go in order to find it). Continuously surprising and constantly funny, it is a piece that demands a production. Don’t skip this party.
    19 Apr. 2020
    What a brilliant short! The couple in this piece navigates a difficult conversation in the unlikeliest of places, and it’s entertaining to no end. At the same time, Mullen takes us on a masterful ride of his own, as the twists and turns keep coming, each one better than the last. Wonderful work.
  • The Virtuous Fall of the Girls from Our Lady of Sorrows
    18 Apr. 2020
    Does faith demand we simplify difficult issues? Should it complicate feelings that should be simple? This is a touching and profound play filled to the brim with juicy roles for young women. Femia’s scenes are witty, honest, and potent, and strike a particular chord for anybody remotely close to a religious upbringing. Being human is hard enough, answering questions of morality is hard enough, and she perfectly captures how our beliefs (or the beliefs of others) manage to make our struggles easier and so much harder at the same time. Produce. This. Play. (And Minnie’s).
    9 Apr. 2020
    “May I cry over this?” "Desk Job" is a captivating and addictive short for audiences and artists alike. Vovos raises a toast to the greats of the past, but gives us so much more than just mere homage with his world and instantly lovable characters. I devoured Uncle and Niece’s predicament and their family history with a fervor second only to Uncle’s passionate aspirations for his work. You will too.
  • It's an Espresso Drink with Foamy Steamed Milk
    7 Apr. 2020
    It only makes sense that the world would end on a Tuesday, but at least we can go out with macchiatos in hand! Martin, without effort, works absolute comic wonders in the shortest of scenes, hilariously condemning our attachment to our devices through the creation of an addictive, enthralling pair of characters. Lovely piece.
  • Top Shelf Tolstoy
    2 Apr. 2020
    There is little I love more than an absurd premise. Even better for one that feels nigh terrifyingly plausible in today’s society. The comic dryness of the dialogue shines throughout this piece, and wins you over in every way by the conclusion. It’s unfortunate that times are hard, but hey...who doesn’t love a good cocktail with their book?
  • Reykjavík
    17 Mar. 2020
    Ethereal. Disquieting. And like the Northern Lights...beautiful. We need more plays like this.
