Recommended by Mike Solomonson

  • Confirmation Bias
    31 Dec. 2019
    The play's historical context is appealing, and Nick Malakhow's ability to use humor within a tense situation, as the men probe the intentions of the other person was extremely well done. He has drawn two distinct characters with personalities that jump off the page.
  • Girl
    29 Dec. 2019
    I'm very appreciative of the staging possibilities present in the play and its narrative structure. Using the compressed 10-minute play, Bethany Dickens creates empathy for the play's central character, Lenora, a competitive swimmer. I became invested in Lenora's personal journey of moving from girlhood to young adulthood and the gender-related obstacles she faces as she comes into her own.
    28 Dec. 2019
    It would be hard for an audience not to have a visceral response to Craig Pospisil's play. It's given a spiritual context that (depending on the reader/audience) may provoke a whip-lash double-take for some, perhaps deeper reflection or offense for others--but certainly a felt reaction which is the mark of an engaging playwright. The script also creates curiosity about the Tennessee Williams' source material that inspired it.
  • With Autumn Closing In
    26 Dec. 2019
    It's what I would call a "metaphysical road trip" that Ryan Stevens offers the reader, which is completed with a sense of longing, loss, reconciliation, and an affectionate regard for the 'classics.'
  • Put Asunder: A Ten-Minute Play
    24 Dec. 2019
    A fun farce set during the stress of a wedding day, with a number of comic twists which make it memorable. This 10-minute play also has been attracting production opportunities.
  • Our First Honest Conversation
    21 Dec. 2019
    Christine Hamilton-Schmidt's entertaining play drops us into an intriguing premise--where a couple, struggling with sexual dissatisfaction, have taken to trying to tap the power of their imagination to spark the dormant flame of their sex life. It seems doomed as one partner's assertiveness is at odds with the other's ineffectual attempt at compliance. The results of this imaginative exercise? That is what compelled me to read on--and you might like to read it as well.
  • Abigail
    21 Dec. 2019
    Given how often "witch trial" gets thrown around in our political discourse, I was initially curious about the playwright's stated goal for the play being a 'counter-argument to Miller's "The Crucible." Phoebe Eaton immediately drops you into a mysterious, uncomfortable situation that the reader is curious to solve. Using reverse chronology further aids the play in slowly bringing into the open the dysfunctional dynamics that exist in a couple's relationship and how their choices lead to unintended calamity.
  • Oh, No! I Flew Too Close to the Sun!
    13 Dec. 2019
    I had an opportunity to direct Rand Higbee's comedy at our college and I placed it as our closer for the bill of 10-minute plays that we produced. It certainly delivered a strong conclusion to the evening as the audience greatly enjoyed his ability to create a memorable comedic situation and characters. I also had a lot of fun creating the sound design for the final offstage moments. Read it, and enjoy!
  • Survival Strategy
    13 Dec. 2019
    I had the opportunity to direct Donna's play at our college and it played very well for our audience. The play's situation reminds us about the necessity we all have for human contact in a world and in relationships where that basic need can often be overlooked. The play is also quite funny and it was enjoyable to see an audience find the comedy while also considering how the script's ideas applied to their lives.
  • FAMILY BY NUMBERS Award-winning 10-minute drama
    10 Dec. 2019
    I had the opportunity to see Arianna Rose's emotionally-moving play produced in Michigan in the Playbytes By Playwrights 10-Minute Festival. The play's ability to shift moods from moments of humor, impending dread, to heart-felt grief, and finally hope is truly an impressive feat. It reads very well, and based on my experience seeing it, plays even more memorably.
