Recommended by Steve Lyons

  • Steve Lyons: Art Attack

    While on the surface it is about the horrors of political correctness, it is also about the impossibility of being an artist in the 21st century. Translating from the world of visual art to the world of play writing, the play is about only being produced if your art (or play) meets all the requisite check marks. Having a son who endured the oppressive political correctness of Evergreen State College (Washington State), this play brings up anger and sadness at the current state of culture in America. I really liked this important, thoughtful, and brave play. Highly recommended.

    While on the surface it is about the horrors of political correctness, it is also about the impossibility of being an artist in the 21st century. Translating from the world of visual art to the world of play writing, the play is about only being produced if your art (or play) meets all the requisite check marks. Having a son who endured the oppressive political correctness of Evergreen State College (Washington State), this play brings up anger and sadness at the current state of culture in America. I really liked this important, thoughtful, and brave play. Highly recommended.

  • Steve Lyons: The Fifth Hypothesis

    Well researched and engaging play about a sasquatch researcher. Multiple twists and turns. Food for thought and totally believable characters. Recommended!

    Well researched and engaging play about a sasquatch researcher. Multiple twists and turns. Food for thought and totally believable characters. Recommended!

  • Steve Lyons: Detained

    A page turner. Nicely constructed. We see the various detainees meet with their attorneys or someone else where we get the background of the detainee. Then we see their hearing before the judge. Very powerful, and a director's dream play - lots of possibilities.

    A page turner. Nicely constructed. We see the various detainees meet with their attorneys or someone else where we get the background of the detainee. Then we see their hearing before the judge. Very powerful, and a director's dream play - lots of possibilities.

  • Steve Lyons: Strange, America

    On a dark and stormy night, Omar and Rosemary have car problems and take refuge in The Museum of Unnatural History, a roadside-attraction-slash-bar in a secluded town in the Pacific Northwest. From the start, there is a sense of foreboding. This is not going to turn out well. Toss in a little "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe" and some fun characters and you get a wonderful engaging story! Recommended.

    On a dark and stormy night, Omar and Rosemary have car problems and take refuge in The Museum of Unnatural History, a roadside-attraction-slash-bar in a secluded town in the Pacific Northwest. From the start, there is a sense of foreboding. This is not going to turn out well. Toss in a little "Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolfe" and some fun characters and you get a wonderful engaging story! Recommended.

  • Steve Lyons: Herchel: Portait of a Killer

    Based on a true story, this is a fun dramatization of an interesting dilemma: how do you protect an important species from getting decimated by a cute sea lion? Nice human drama that grows out of an environmental conundrum. Recommended.

    Based on a true story, this is a fun dramatization of an interesting dilemma: how do you protect an important species from getting decimated by a cute sea lion? Nice human drama that grows out of an environmental conundrum. Recommended.

  • Steve Lyons: Hardened Criminals

    A dark and disturbing examination of the lengths parents goes to protect their children. Engaging characters and totally believable story line. Well written. Recommended.

    A dark and disturbing examination of the lengths parents goes to protect their children. Engaging characters and totally believable story line. Well written. Recommended.

  • Steve Lyons: Swimming Upstream

    With echos of NASA's climate scientist James Hansen, Swimming Upstream explores the courage to publicize scientific findings that are contrary to the narrative encouraged by the government. While Swimming Upstream has political overtones, its message does not overwhelm the delightful characters and engaging story line. A political play with a healthy dose of humor. Recommended.

    With echos of NASA's climate scientist James Hansen, Swimming Upstream explores the courage to publicize scientific findings that are contrary to the narrative encouraged by the government. While Swimming Upstream has political overtones, its message does not overwhelm the delightful characters and engaging story line. A political play with a healthy dose of humor. Recommended.

  • Steve Lyons: This Gray House

    A beautiful, poetic play. The chilly fog that engulfs the lighthouse seeps into the bones of the main character, Mary. An examination of depression without being depressing. The language is beautiful and the characters are engaging. Highly recommended.

    A beautiful, poetic play. The chilly fog that engulfs the lighthouse seeps into the bones of the main character, Mary. An examination of depression without being depressing. The language is beautiful and the characters are engaging. Highly recommended.

  • Steve Lyons: Madam(e) Lou

    Fascinating and touching story of the genesis of Seattle, and the big hearted woman who helped in the founding of Seattle. Previously lost to history, this engaging story needs to be told.

    Fascinating and touching story of the genesis of Seattle, and the big hearted woman who helped in the founding of Seattle. Previously lost to history, this engaging story needs to be told.

  • Steve Lyons: THE NAMES

    Beautifully written play about Italy in WW 2 and an Italian opera singer's turmoil in coming to grips with her life and legacy. Very engaging.

    Beautifully written play about Italy in WW 2 and an Italian opera singer's turmoil in coming to grips with her life and legacy. Very engaging.