Recommended by Andrew Kramer

  • Andrew Kramer: WOLFCRUSH (a queer werewolf play)

    Ok, so WOLFCRUSH is great. If I was programming a season, this would absolutely go on my roster. The humor and aesthetic is so specific and cuddles aggressively next to the brutal pain of longing and connection so many queer people feel at our centers. Highly recommend.

    Ok, so WOLFCRUSH is great. If I was programming a season, this would absolutely go on my roster. The humor and aesthetic is so specific and cuddles aggressively next to the brutal pain of longing and connection so many queer people feel at our centers. Highly recommend.

  • Andrew Kramer: Borrowed Babies

    A truly lovely grenade of a play that becomes more slippery and dangerous and beautiful every time you think about it. Easily my favorite of Blackmer’s existing work - which says a lot because it’s all fantastic. A large cast with powerhouse roles for women and really complicated explorations of motherhood, feminism, responsibility and history. Would be great to program at colleges/universities.

    A truly lovely grenade of a play that becomes more slippery and dangerous and beautiful every time you think about it. Easily my favorite of Blackmer’s existing work - which says a lot because it’s all fantastic. A large cast with powerhouse roles for women and really complicated explorations of motherhood, feminism, responsibility and history. Would be great to program at colleges/universities.

  • Andrew Kramer: Cam Girl

    Cam Girl paints a complicated portrait of queer people struggling to find peace; peace within themselves and peace within a large, slippery world. There’s lovely nuance and specificity here and great, complex roles for actors.

    Cam Girl paints a complicated portrait of queer people struggling to find peace; peace within themselves and peace within a large, slippery world. There’s lovely nuance and specificity here and great, complex roles for actors.

  • Andrew Kramer: The Light

    THE LIGHT is a gorgeous, personal, and political play that contains explosive multitudes in its seemingly slim frame. Companies across the country should give this gift to its audiences.

    THE LIGHT is a gorgeous, personal, and political play that contains explosive multitudes in its seemingly slim frame. Companies across the country should give this gift to its audiences.

  • Andrew Kramer: The Swallows

    A very lovely, seemingly quiet play that actually sings out, with quite a loud voice, once it hits you. Two great roles for older female actors.

    A very lovely, seemingly quiet play that actually sings out, with quite a loud voice, once it hits you. Two great roles for older female actors.

  • Andrew Kramer: How the Baby Died

    When one reads so many new plays, it's a rare and thrilling privilege to say: "Wow. I've never read anything like this." But when I read HOW THE BABY DIED, I closed the PDF, looked away from my computer, felt my cheeks warm, and giggled to myself. I had the rare and thrilling privilege to say: "Wow. I've never read anything like this." Read it and then tell everyone you know about it; this play will make you talk.

    When one reads so many new plays, it's a rare and thrilling privilege to say: "Wow. I've never read anything like this." But when I read HOW THE BABY DIED, I closed the PDF, looked away from my computer, felt my cheeks warm, and giggled to myself. I had the rare and thrilling privilege to say: "Wow. I've never read anything like this." Read it and then tell everyone you know about it; this play will make you talk.

  • Andrew Kramer: Unraveled

    I first encountered the gift that is UNRAVELED years ago and haven't quite met a play like it since. This gorgeous, difficult story opens its arms to you and gives you that long sought-after hug you didn't know you were asking for.

    I first encountered the gift that is UNRAVELED years ago and haven't quite met a play like it since. This gorgeous, difficult story opens its arms to you and gives you that long sought-after hug you didn't know you were asking for.

  • Andrew Kramer: Paper Cut

    The power of this play - it's been some time since I've sat down with it, but I find my mind returning to it often. It's tender and violent and compassionate and complicated in the ways humans are, in the ways sexuality and war and loss and bodies are.

    The power of this play - it's been some time since I've sat down with it, but I find my mind returning to it often. It's tender and violent and compassionate and complicated in the ways humans are, in the ways sexuality and war and loss and bodies are.

  • Andrew Kramer: Old Names for Wildflowers

    Easily one of the most dynamic, original, and compelling plays I've read in the past three years. This is a FULL WORLD populated by such interesting and complex people, images, and language. I loved living in it.

    Easily one of the most dynamic, original, and compelling plays I've read in the past three years. This is a FULL WORLD populated by such interesting and complex people, images, and language. I loved living in it.

  • Andrew Kramer: Grown-Ass Louis

    I had the pleasure of experiencing and (then proudly recommending) GROWN-ASS LOUIS for KCACTF at The Kennedy Center. I was blown away with the punching power of this play. Seemingly small in form but explosive in content and craft, GROWN ASS LOUIS is sophisticated in language and structure. Bruce shows that he has truly sharp skills...capturing something theatrical, unique, and deeply moving.

    I had the pleasure of experiencing and (then proudly recommending) GROWN-ASS LOUIS for KCACTF at The Kennedy Center. I was blown away with the punching power of this play. Seemingly small in form but explosive in content and craft, GROWN ASS LOUIS is sophisticated in language and structure. Bruce shows that he has truly sharp skills...capturing something theatrical, unique, and deeply moving.