Recommended by Greg Hovanesian

  • Greg Hovanesian: The Eighteenth Quinquennial Endlings Picnic

    Wow. There’s a lot packed into this little 10-minute play. There’s wonderful banter as the characters navigate themselves through a hopeless situation. In many ways the animals represent people who face shared problems, but disagree on solutions. I was very moved by this play.

    Wow. There’s a lot packed into this little 10-minute play. There’s wonderful banter as the characters navigate themselves through a hopeless situation. In many ways the animals represent people who face shared problems, but disagree on solutions. I was very moved by this play.

  • Greg Hovanesian: THE HIRELING

    This play is lots of fun! There is good banter between interesting characters, both human and non-human. In these times we're living through, it's important to take dark subjects, e.g. alien invasion and potential world destruction, and have some fun with them. And Murphy's play does just that! Check this out if you're looking a good dark comedy about language and its intricacies, restaurant franchise management skills, and the end of the world as we know it.

    This play is lots of fun! There is good banter between interesting characters, both human and non-human. In these times we're living through, it's important to take dark subjects, e.g. alien invasion and potential world destruction, and have some fun with them. And Murphy's play does just that! Check this out if you're looking a good dark comedy about language and its intricacies, restaurant franchise management skills, and the end of the world as we know it.

  • Greg Hovanesian: That Kind of Boy [a 1-minute play]

    Wow! What a beautiful little play. Wonderful.

    Wow! What a beautiful little play. Wonderful.

  • Greg Hovanesian: Misplaced

    There is something incredibly ‘human’, for lack of a better word, about Cassie M. Seinuk’s MISPLACED. At the core of this play is pain and loss: and yet it is surrounded by a beautiful ‘humaness’, as two adults who once knew each other work their way through a gauntlet of emotions - anger, surprise, regret, sadness, laughter - to come together anew. I’m so glad I was able to see this performed as part of Boston Theater Marathon XXII, Zoom Edition, 2020.

    There is something incredibly ‘human’, for lack of a better word, about Cassie M. Seinuk’s MISPLACED. At the core of this play is pain and loss: and yet it is surrounded by a beautiful ‘humaness’, as two adults who once knew each other work their way through a gauntlet of emotions - anger, surprise, regret, sadness, laughter - to come together anew. I’m so glad I was able to see this performed as part of Boston Theater Marathon XXII, Zoom Edition, 2020.

  • Greg Hovanesian: Happy Hour

    This play is heart-breaking: a story of two women who have battled the same demons in different ways. And yet, as sad and terrible as their stories are, it is uplifting: a story of friendship, and the connections people make to end the pain of past scars. John Bavoso has written a wonderful 10-minute play.

    This play is heart-breaking: a story of two women who have battled the same demons in different ways. And yet, as sad and terrible as their stories are, it is uplifting: a story of friendship, and the connections people make to end the pain of past scars. John Bavoso has written a wonderful 10-minute play.

  • Greg Hovanesian: APEX PREDATOR

    This play is absolutely terrifying. Never before have I read a 10-minute play that turns so quickly into something chaotic: the reader/audience watches as civilization breaks down and becomes something wild and animalistic. And the scariest part is that it feels so, SO very real. Rachael Carnes has written a play that should be a warning to everyone about men the danger they can pose to those around them. This is a scary gem that would be amazing to see onstage.

    This play is absolutely terrifying. Never before have I read a 10-minute play that turns so quickly into something chaotic: the reader/audience watches as civilization breaks down and becomes something wild and animalistic. And the scariest part is that it feels so, SO very real. Rachael Carnes has written a play that should be a warning to everyone about men the danger they can pose to those around them. This is a scary gem that would be amazing to see onstage.

  • Greg Hovanesian: Night Divers, a 10-minute play

    A heart-warming 10-minute play about two people in a relationship coming to difficult understandings while partaking in an activity that shines a light on their differences. Susan Middaugh has written dialogue that is fresh and real with believable characters. It would be great to see this onstage!

    A heart-warming 10-minute play about two people in a relationship coming to difficult understandings while partaking in an activity that shines a light on their differences. Susan Middaugh has written dialogue that is fresh and real with believable characters. It would be great to see this onstage!

  • Greg Hovanesian: Crater

    ‘Crater’ evokes a lot in ten minutes: the imperfections of humans in relationships: our need for warmth, remembrance, physical touch; the lies we tell to achieve what we need. And then, in a beautiful turn, our eyes are opened to the magical world we live in, where mysteries abound. ‘Crater’, as indicated by the date on its pages, is a post-pandemic play: its title is significant. It reminds us that though the world has seemingly become smaller in the last few weeks, it’s still huge, it’s still awesome, and there is still beauty that we need to discover.

    ‘Crater’ evokes a lot in ten minutes: the imperfections of humans in relationships: our need for warmth, remembrance, physical touch; the lies we tell to achieve what we need. And then, in a beautiful turn, our eyes are opened to the magical world we live in, where mysteries abound. ‘Crater’, as indicated by the date on its pages, is a post-pandemic play: its title is significant. It reminds us that though the world has seemingly become smaller in the last few weeks, it’s still huge, it’s still awesome, and there is still beauty that we need to discover.

  • Greg Hovanesian: UNMASKING

    A sad yet uplifting look at the human spirit. This monologue proves that the global pandemic we are living through can be the source of great art.

    A sad yet uplifting look at the human spirit. This monologue proves that the global pandemic we are living through can be the source of great art.

  • Greg Hovanesian: Sarcophagus

    Anyone who’s worked in the arts knows how difficult it can be: the endless socializing, the superficial encounters, the conversations with people of power who could make or break you on a whim. In ‘Sarcophagus’, Scott Sickles has a put a face and a heart on the people in the industry, hiding their true identities behind an image in order to survive and ‘make-it’. This is a heart-warming play that features lovely dialogue, cool costumes, and two genuine characters who grow through each other.

    Anyone who’s worked in the arts knows how difficult it can be: the endless socializing, the superficial encounters, the conversations with people of power who could make or break you on a whim. In ‘Sarcophagus’, Scott Sickles has a put a face and a heart on the people in the industry, hiding their true identities behind an image in order to survive and ‘make-it’. This is a heart-warming play that features lovely dialogue, cool costumes, and two genuine characters who grow through each other.