Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: Pandora's Box of Donuts

    A lovely play about the search for hope in the face of severe depression. Cal and Em have such a credible rooted friendship that the bit of hope that emerges feels earned and viable.

    A lovely play about the search for hope in the face of severe depression. Cal and Em have such a credible rooted friendship that the bit of hope that emerges feels earned and viable.


    The horrible logic of Scrivener's explanation of its podcast creation and naming paradigms is full of irony and is amusing, but its answer to the question of why it writes poetry is just plain chilling.

    The horrible logic of Scrivener's explanation of its podcast creation and naming paradigms is full of irony and is amusing, but its answer to the question of why it writes poetry is just plain chilling.

  • Paul Donnelly: TERRIBLE BEAUTY 2.0

    A horrifying vision of the reduction of poetry to a mechanical product removed from human creativity. The mundane workplace banter of the Drones and Manager only heightens the sense of despair about the enterprise. And the quotes from Yeats add heft and poignancy to the sense of all that has been lost in this all too credible future.

    A horrifying vision of the reduction of poetry to a mechanical product removed from human creativity. The mundane workplace banter of the Drones and Manager only heightens the sense of despair about the enterprise. And the quotes from Yeats add heft and poignancy to the sense of all that has been lost in this all too credible future.

  • Paul Donnelly: RELAPSE (MONOLOGUE)

    Awkward and discomforting in all the best ways, this compelling monologue tracks Harper as he comes unglued at his 50th birthday party. The emotional arc is flawlessly rendered leading to Harper's heart breaking final line.

    Awkward and discomforting in all the best ways, this compelling monologue tracks Harper as he comes unglued at his 50th birthday party. The emotional arc is flawlessly rendered leading to Harper's heart breaking final line.

  • Paul Donnelly: THE FIRST PANCAKE

    Oh Suzanne, let there be a second pancake! This is a most witty depiction of the end of an ill-fated first date.

    Oh Suzanne, let there be a second pancake! This is a most witty depiction of the end of an ill-fated first date.

  • Paul Donnelly: A LITTLE HELP HERE

    The Muse is, as Muses tend to be, supremely unhelpful. But the poor, beleaguered Author forges on, awash in self-pity. There is wit abounding in this depiction of a frantic search for inspiration. Is there also a hidden tribute to Maria Irene Fornes embedded in the text?

    The Muse is, as Muses tend to be, supremely unhelpful. But the poor, beleaguered Author forges on, awash in self-pity. There is wit abounding in this depiction of a frantic search for inspiration. Is there also a hidden tribute to Maria Irene Fornes embedded in the text?

  • Paul Donnelly: Any Second Now

    A clever premise executed brilliantly. These characters have been put through the wringer by those darn playwrights and yet they wait for the opportunity to be used again. The backstories are riotously funny and the last bit is a terrific kicker.

    A clever premise executed brilliantly. These characters have been put through the wringer by those darn playwrights and yet they wait for the opportunity to be used again. The backstories are riotously funny and the last bit is a terrific kicker.

  • Paul Donnelly: Gub Gub, Godmother, Gaslight

    What a dark and highly comical take on the pitfalls of "happily ever after." It's a wild ride from ditzy beginning to highly satisfying end. Marriage was supposed the be the happy ending, but maybe not so much.

    What a dark and highly comical take on the pitfalls of "happily ever after." It's a wild ride from ditzy beginning to highly satisfying end. Marriage was supposed the be the happy ending, but maybe not so much.

  • Paul Donnelly: Ricky and Ready

    This play masterfully mixes the very funny with the deeply heart-felt as Patty's initial silliness is revealed to be a cover for her desperation. That she finally comes to share rather than run from Allyon's burden, thanks to the intercession of a librarian who has been there, is deeply moving. Get roaring drunk at brunch, ladies!

    This play masterfully mixes the very funny with the deeply heart-felt as Patty's initial silliness is revealed to be a cover for her desperation. That she finally comes to share rather than run from Allyon's burden, thanks to the intercession of a librarian who has been there, is deeply moving. Get roaring drunk at brunch, ladies!

  • Paul Donnelly: Taken to School

    Well dear old dad sure gets taken down a peg or two. Marty seems put upon, even victimized, but he does a thorough job of turning the tables in this extremely witty portrayal of a most atypical father/son dynamic. Both roles would be fun to play and even more fun to see played.

    Well dear old dad sure gets taken down a peg or two. Marty seems put upon, even victimized, but he does a thorough job of turning the tables in this extremely witty portrayal of a most atypical father/son dynamic. Both roles would be fun to play and even more fun to see played.