Recommended by Paul Donnelly

  • Paul Donnelly: Stork Patrol

    The hypocrisy of the forced-birth crowd is skewered mercilessly in this scathing satire. The central conceit is brilliantly straightforward and the execution is sublime. This play could not be more vitally of the moment.

    The hypocrisy of the forced-birth crowd is skewered mercilessly in this scathing satire. The central conceit is brilliantly straightforward and the execution is sublime. This play could not be more vitally of the moment.

  • Paul Donnelly: Nonsense and Beauty

    At times tender, at times astringent, at all times gripping. Five clearly drawn and compelling characters take us on a journey of fulfillment and loss, of yearning and betrayal, of love and forgiveness. This is a rich, full-blooded, and vigorous narrative, None of the fustiness of history or biography here. Nonsense and Beauty is truly a thing of beauty.

    At times tender, at times astringent, at all times gripping. Five clearly drawn and compelling characters take us on a journey of fulfillment and loss, of yearning and betrayal, of love and forgiveness. This is a rich, full-blooded, and vigorous narrative, None of the fustiness of history or biography here. Nonsense and Beauty is truly a thing of beauty.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Volcano Play

    The volcanos are an apt and chilling metaphor for so much that is going wrong in the world and the responses of the three well-drawn characters are dishearteningly true to life. This is a funny, but ultimately kinda depressing (in a thought provoking way) play.

    The volcanos are an apt and chilling metaphor for so much that is going wrong in the world and the responses of the three well-drawn characters are dishearteningly true to life. This is a funny, but ultimately kinda depressing (in a thought provoking way) play.

  • Paul Donnelly: SH*T TRAIN

    Funny, dark and regrettably true to life, Sh*t Train rises to dizzying heights as the hoops through which the Supervisee must jump are also raised. The almost laconic dialogue illuminates the true nightmare of this workplace with subtlety and craft.

    Funny, dark and regrettably true to life, Sh*t Train rises to dizzying heights as the hoops through which the Supervisee must jump are also raised. The almost laconic dialogue illuminates the true nightmare of this workplace with subtlety and craft.

  • Paul Donnelly: SYZYGY

    A Beckettian meditation on guilt and responsibility, on the arbitrariness of fate, and on the need for connection, with a dazzling coup de theatre ending. The only thing better than reading this play would be seeing it produced.

    A Beckettian meditation on guilt and responsibility, on the arbitrariness of fate, and on the need for connection, with a dazzling coup de theatre ending. The only thing better than reading this play would be seeing it produced.

  • Paul Donnelly: Tax Date

    A touching exploration of a unique strategy for dealing with unimaginable loss. The seemingly mysterious narrative draws us in subtly and builds to a devastating reveal. It is heartening to see Mark and Jen remain connected despite their grief and guilt.

    A touching exploration of a unique strategy for dealing with unimaginable loss. The seemingly mysterious narrative draws us in subtly and builds to a devastating reveal. It is heartening to see Mark and Jen remain connected despite their grief and guilt.

  • Paul Donnelly: The Curtain Speech- A Monologue

    Our playwright doesn't recognize the many levels of narcissism that he embodies, a source of the vibrant, weird humor that propels this piece. His nonchalance about extraordinary aspects of his narrative ls employed to delirious effect. Perhaps we should all reconsider even giving curtain speeches lest we inadvertently reveal too much of ourselves!

    Our playwright doesn't recognize the many levels of narcissism that he embodies, a source of the vibrant, weird humor that propels this piece. His nonchalance about extraordinary aspects of his narrative ls employed to delirious effect. Perhaps we should all reconsider even giving curtain speeches lest we inadvertently reveal too much of ourselves!

  • Paul Donnelly: IPHIGENIA IN QUARANTINE: a play for the internet

    This innovative work offers such rich characters in such a claustrophobic and horrific environment. It doesn't just make use of digital technology, it makes digital presentation integral to the narrative. The compelling social commentary includes the horrors and moral issues raised by a plague, the phenomenon of Ace-erasure, and the ethics of scientific research, all woven naturally into the events of the play. This unique work pushes forward the entire notion of what a play can be.

    This innovative work offers such rich characters in such a claustrophobic and horrific environment. It doesn't just make use of digital technology, it makes digital presentation integral to the narrative. The compelling social commentary includes the horrors and moral issues raised by a plague, the phenomenon of Ace-erasure, and the ethics of scientific research, all woven naturally into the events of the play. This unique work pushes forward the entire notion of what a play can be.

  • Paul Donnelly: Tracy Jones

    Both riotous and touching, Tracy Jones offers delicious physical comedy, funny dialogue and moments of devastating character revelation. The play illustrates E.M. Forster's famous dictum, "only connect."

    Both riotous and touching, Tracy Jones offers delicious physical comedy, funny dialogue and moments of devastating character revelation. The play illustrates E.M. Forster's famous dictum, "only connect."

  • Paul Donnelly: Ghost Light

    A touching exploration of a lonely, lost soul's last effort at reaching out to relieve their loneliness. The setting is resonant and the mystical elements intriguing. I was left with much to ponder.

    A touching exploration of a lonely, lost soul's last effort at reaching out to relieve their loneliness. The setting is resonant and the mystical elements intriguing. I was left with much to ponder.