This play of white supremacy/nationalism, abuse, gossip, and vengeance is ripe with theatrical potential and unfolds at a taut, compelling pace. During a thunderstorm, Sylvia stumbles into a KKK-infused “model American town” that conceals nefarious activities behind community do-gooding. Through vibrant, strong female characters, powerful language, and a breathtaking sense of impending danger, a brewing whirlwind unfolds. Both the weather and Sylvia’s moral compass go haywire when an unlikely gaggle of women unexpectedly unites to create its own tornado. The play and its rich subtext deeply...
This play of white supremacy/nationalism, abuse, gossip, and vengeance is ripe with theatrical potential and unfolds at a taut, compelling pace. During a thunderstorm, Sylvia stumbles into a KKK-infused “model American town” that conceals nefarious activities behind community do-gooding. Through vibrant, strong female characters, powerful language, and a breathtaking sense of impending danger, a brewing whirlwind unfolds. Both the weather and Sylvia’s moral compass go haywire when an unlikely gaggle of women unexpectedly unites to create its own tornado. The play and its rich subtext deeply resonate with our “post-truth” and increasingly nationalistic times.