Recommended by Garret Jon Groenveld

  • Doing Dan
    8 Mar. 2021
    A very sexy play - with lots of twists and turns. The main couple have a great patter and the "stars" are just as messed up as we imagine. Fun dialogue and great structure as it examines the fine line between acting on our desires and consent, both in and out of marriage.
  • Denial
    8 Mar. 2021
    At first it seems like a fascinating exploration of language and identity and ideas. Which it is. And then slowly - this play strips away some of the things that make us recognizable to each other as it also strips away our conventions of traditional dialogue and turns it around and around as we looks at that. And then - while admiring the stripping of identity and convention - it goes very deep into our collective PTSD around the WWII Holocaust in very brave and disturbing ways.
  • I thought I would die but I didn't
    8 Mar. 2021
    This play is very meta - then becomes even more meta, in a thrilling way. And then, in an even more thrilling way, it's not meta at all, but gripping and confessional and heartbreaking. I enjoy the skill of how she uses structure to twist and turn us around and land us in examination and conversation.
  • The Diplomats
    2 Jun. 2018
    What a fun romp! The play has a very current events feel, particularly given the Trump administration's incompetence. Good schtick, slapstick and romance. A play within a play help push the hero over the edge and hilarity ensues. Very much enjoyed it.