I am drawn in by this idea, of two people, in an art gallery, surrounded by images of romance and questioning their own past, their indiscretions and foibles, and rekindling - something? It's a rich world that Triplett builds, with dialogue that pulls you in, and also spins lyrically, at just the right moments. This has such a lush arc, it feels almost cinematic, and would be delightful to stage and see onstage.
I am drawn in by this idea, of two people, in an art gallery, surrounded by images of romance and questioning their own past, their indiscretions and foibles, and rekindling - something? It's a rich world that Triplett builds, with dialogue that pulls you in, and also spins lyrically, at just the right moments. This has such a lush arc, it feels almost cinematic, and would be delightful to stage and see onstage.