Recommended by Kyle Smith

  • Reflective
    26 Jan. 2020
    This play is remarkable. It strikes at the heart of what it means to have body dysmorphia in a way that is deeply evocative. How can we trust our selves, when we can't trust our own reflection?
  • Lazy Eye
    24 Jan. 2020
    This play is both horrifying and beautiful. Frye takes us on a journey of gaslighting and fickle friendships that puts the audience through the process of being lied to and manipulated, until you, like Jean, no longer can differentiate between what's real and what's imagined. This play asks uncomfortable questions and is not afraid to deliver uncomfortable answers.
  • Quandary in Verse
    3 Sep. 2019
    I saw this play at the new thrills play festival, and was blown away. The rhyming couplets propel the play beautifully to it's conclusion, each moment bubbling with possibility, as new ideas are brought up and explored before moving onto bigger and better things. Yes, it's a play about a guy trying to pass a drug test, but the way Perez blends high and low art transcends its plot and lifts it to something more. This play was a true joy to watch performed.
  • An Actor
    15 May. 2019
    Ouch. Hakmiller hits where it hurts, right between the pompous legs of her actor character's enlarged ego. This play is effortlessly funny and truthful, for we all have suffered the self aggrandizing Alex character, and we have all wanted to knock them down a peg like Erin does.
  • Pig Tale: An Urban Faerie Story
    13 May. 2019
    This play is a master class on relationships told through the story of a man who turns into a pig and his partner who sticks with him. I laughed, I cried, and I was shook by the disarming honesty of this play. I cannot recommend this play highly enough.
