SOME TYPE OF ECSTASY welcomes audiences into a world that few see but many people live out… the world of last chances, dead ends, painful histories, and broken dreams, where blood is all you have left to give. Yet, amidst the despair and denial, Wyatt finds the love. Amidst the betrayals, he finds the loyalty. Wyatt gives his characters the same contradictory impulses that compete inside us all, while capturing the unnamable force that drives us to survive against all reason and at any cost.
SOME TYPE OF ECSTASY welcomes audiences into a world that few see but many people live out… the world of last chances, dead ends, painful histories, and broken dreams, where blood is all you have left to give. Yet, amidst the despair and denial, Wyatt finds the love. Amidst the betrayals, he finds the loyalty. Wyatt gives his characters the same contradictory impulses that compete inside us all, while capturing the unnamable force that drives us to survive against all reason and at any cost.