Shoshannah Boray

Shoshannah Boray's plays have been produced and staged in professional theaters nationwide, including "Escaping Warsaw" (New York City, Sage Theatre Company; LA's Sefira Theatre; UVM's Royal Tyler Theatre/ Annual Gathering of Holocaust Survivor Families); "Water People" (Maryland One-Act Festival, Best Original Script; Growling Pup Festival, VT); "Mensch" (JET Festival of New Plays, Detroit); "The First Sister Trip" (Spotlight Theatre, VT; finalist, B Street Theatre; semi-finalist BAPF); "The Most Important Thing in the World" (Spotlight Theatre; Sullivan County Drama Workshop, NY); "Me Talking 2 Me" (Theatre Odyssey); "Laughing Under the Sea" (Flynn NASA Grant, Finalist Princess Grace Awards); "Coyote Dreams" (135 Pearl St, VT; Clauder Competition State Winner); "Witches' Brew"...

Shoshannah Boray's plays have been produced and staged in professional theaters nationwide, including "Escaping Warsaw" (New York City, Sage Theatre Company; LA's Sefira Theatre; UVM's Royal Tyler Theatre/ Annual Gathering of Holocaust Survivor Families); "Water People" (Maryland One-Act Festival, Best Original Script; Growling Pup Festival, VT); "Mensch" (JET Festival of New Plays, Detroit); "The First Sister Trip" (Spotlight Theatre, VT; finalist, B Street Theatre; semi-finalist BAPF); "The Most Important Thing in the World" (Spotlight Theatre; Sullivan County Drama Workshop, NY); "Me Talking 2 Me" (Theatre Odyssey); "Laughing Under the Sea" (Flynn NASA Grant, Finalist Princess Grace Awards); "Coyote Dreams" (135 Pearl St, VT; Clauder Competition State Winner); "Witches' Brew" (Shoestring Theatre, VT); and one acts in San Francisco, Louisville, Portland, Seattle, NYC. She has also written a play series for youth based on the the myths and histories of cultures from around the world, and produced locally in Vermont schools.


Guns and Chocolate

by Shoshannah Boray


Jenna is reeling from a recent shooting at the middle school where she has taught English for 10 years. She, like the other guests at this Thanksgiving feast, holds her trauma close and her secrets closer— until they erupt and escape in flashes of red across the subconscious of the play. An abundance of decadent pie, and other Thanksgiving stalwarts, force guests to confront the troubling realities of our...

Jenna is reeling from a recent shooting at the middle school where she has taught English for 10 years. She, like the other guests at this Thanksgiving feast, holds her trauma close and her secrets closer— until they erupt and escape in flashes of red across the subconscious of the play. An abundance of decadent pie, and other Thanksgiving stalwarts, force guests to confront the troubling realities of our world today, and choose how they will move forward.

Thanks·giv·ing: /ˌTHaNGksˈɡiviNG/noun
• 1. the expression of gratitude, heartfelt and not
• 2.(in North America) an annual national holiday marked by familial tensions
• 3. A tussle over food that masks political differences
• 4. Turkey, Pie, and the traumatic offenses of family and strangers
• 5. Adulting in one’s childhood home

The First Sister Trip

by Shoshannah Boray


Three sisters are stuck on a long flight with their mother's ashes in an urn. They've been changing alliances, keeping secrets and trading insults among the three of them for more than 50 years. The First Sister Trip is about what it means to be a sister, a parent, a spouse, and the ways we love and understand one another.

Three sisters are stuck on a long flight with their mother's ashes in an urn. They've been changing alliances, keeping secrets and trading insults among the three of them for more than 50 years. The First Sister Trip is about what it means to be a sister, a parent, a spouse, and the ways we love and understand one another.

The Tortoise and The Hare

by Shoshannah Boray


When Aaron comes to find out why his brilliant but wildly irresponsible sister Miri's phone has been disconnected, he finds things are much worse than he expected-- and he expected them to be bad. Now he has to choose whether or not to rescue her from her own demons, again. Or is it Miri rescuing Aaron from his descent into life’s dreariness? A play about siblings, addiction, and the pressure of being...

When Aaron comes to find out why his brilliant but wildly irresponsible sister Miri's phone has been disconnected, he finds things are much worse than he expected-- and he expected them to be bad. Now he has to choose whether or not to rescue her from her own demons, again. Or is it Miri rescuing Aaron from his descent into life’s dreariness? A play about siblings, addiction, and the pressure of being 30something in today's world.

Stuffed (Thank you for the Food)

by Shoshannah Boray


It’s that time of year again: Thanksgiving. Food, Gluttony, and the traumatic verbal offenses of family and strangers.

It’s that time of year again: Thanksgiving. Food, Gluttony, and the traumatic verbal offenses of family and strangers.

The Butterfly and the Wasp

by Shoshannah Boray


Only 9 months apart, Cece and Earl haven't spoken in nearly 70 years. He doesn't suspect that his successful, sharp, capable of anything older sister cannot leave the chair she greets him in without assistance. She has never suspected the betrayals and secrets her beloved younger brother has kept from her. How long is too long to wait to ask for forgiveness? How old do we have to be to see what is plainly in...

Only 9 months apart, Cece and Earl haven't spoken in nearly 70 years. He doesn't suspect that his successful, sharp, capable of anything older sister cannot leave the chair she greets him in without assistance. She has never suspected the betrayals and secrets her beloved younger brother has kept from her. How long is too long to wait to ask for forgiveness? How old do we have to be to see what is plainly in front of us?

The Most Important Thing in the World

by Shoshannah Boray


Benny and Andy take care of one another, that's what siblings do. Especially when it's just the two of them, against the world, which shouldn't happen when you're teenagers, but.. here they are. But when Benny steals Andy's beloved piggy bank-- the only thing he has left from their mother-- well, what do you do when the only person you count on in life steals the one thing you care most about?

Benny and Andy take care of one another, that's what siblings do. Especially when it's just the two of them, against the world, which shouldn't happen when you're teenagers, but.. here they are. But when Benny steals Andy's beloved piggy bank-- the only thing he has left from their mother-- well, what do you do when the only person you count on in life steals the one thing you care most about?

Strawberry Moon

by Shoshannah Boray


Maddie, Evan, George and Helen have been friends forever. But they didn't expect the choices they'd have to make as adults. What do we sacrifice for the people we love? When do political ideas not translate to our personal lives? What do you when everything you thought you wanted stops making sense? Strawberry Moon is a play that is both intimate and experimental in form, questioning ideas about...

Maddie, Evan, George and Helen have been friends forever. But they didn't expect the choices they'd have to make as adults. What do we sacrifice for the people we love? When do political ideas not translate to our personal lives? What do you when everything you thought you wanted stops making sense? Strawberry Moon is a play that is both intimate and experimental in form, questioning ideas about perspective and absolutes.

Step Sisters

by Shoshannah Boray


Using whimsy and theatricality, Step-Sisters is about shifting our perspective on disability, difference, and identity politics. Penny, who is cognitively disabled, is at the heart of the story about two step sisters who definitely don't fit in and are the opposite of their parents' favorite. With the help, and hindrance, of Mom, Dad, two out of practice fairy god parents, this band of misguided and misfitted...

Using whimsy and theatricality, Step-Sisters is about shifting our perspective on disability, difference, and identity politics. Penny, who is cognitively disabled, is at the heart of the story about two step sisters who definitely don't fit in and are the opposite of their parents' favorite. With the help, and hindrance, of Mom, Dad, two out of practice fairy god parents, this band of misguided and misfitted friends will find wisdom, love, and courage where they least expect it.

Me Talking 2 Me

by Shoshannah Boray


A woman contacts her younger self through zoom.

A woman contacts her younger self through zoom.

Water People

by Shoshannah Boray


Anna and David live a safe, content life in their cozy home nestled in the green mountains of Vermont. Then, one summer, her old friend and his teenage son, separately, and suddenly, move in with them, brandishing their daring choices and bitter challenges to Anna’s and David’s life together. The story of the play takes place as much in the flight of the characters’ minds as in the actual events of the summer...

Anna and David live a safe, content life in their cozy home nestled in the green mountains of Vermont. Then, one summer, her old friend and his teenage son, separately, and suddenly, move in with them, brandishing their daring choices and bitter challenges to Anna’s and David’s life together. The story of the play takes place as much in the flight of the characters’ minds as in the actual events of the summer, so much so, in fact, that at the end, the entire episode—or just parts of it-- may—or may not—have been a dream, leaving Anna and David with a choice to make. (70min.; 2M;2W)

Apples and Stones, a dinner party

by Shoshannah Boray


What would you do if your girlfriend had a meaningless affair? Your charming and devoted husband lived by his own set of rules? Your wife always made her opinion known in public? Your lover never got angry? Your country was about to go to war? An unusual dinner party. An unusual party game. (1.5hr. 2W, 2M)

What would you do if your girlfriend had a meaningless affair? Your charming and devoted husband lived by his own set of rules? Your wife always made her opinion known in public? Your lover never got angry? Your country was about to go to war? An unusual dinner party. An unusual party game. (1.5hr. 2W, 2M)

The Natural Order of Opposites

by Shoshannah Boray


Two sets of siblings struggle amid inequities and competition around age order, gender, conformity and plain old difference: in other words, classic sibling rivalry. Approaching 90 years old, one pair fought through World War 2; not yet 20, the next is struggling through a worldwide pandemic. But it is the love Cece and Earl, and then Jordie and Alex, have for one another, the ways they support and fail and...

Two sets of siblings struggle amid inequities and competition around age order, gender, conformity and plain old difference: in other words, classic sibling rivalry. Approaching 90 years old, one pair fought through World War 2; not yet 20, the next is struggling through a worldwide pandemic. But it is the love Cece and Earl, and then Jordie and Alex, have for one another, the ways they support and fail and betray one another, and the divergent experiences they have as siblings growing up together that tell this American story that crosses the social barriers that divide us.

Momo No Kawa: Peach River

by Shoshannah Boray


Twins Momotaro and Momoko have decided it's time. Time to vanquish the Oni (Ogres) that have been pillaging, vandalizing and polluting the countryside their village for as long as anyone can remember. But the twins know they cannot do it alone, and as they travel to Oni Island, they encounter the fierce Inu (Dogs), the clever and slapstick Saru (Monkeys), and the intellectual and ephemeral Kijii (Birds). To...

Twins Momotaro and Momoko have decided it's time. Time to vanquish the Oni (Ogres) that have been pillaging, vandalizing and polluting the countryside their village for as long as anyone can remember. But the twins know they cannot do it alone, and as they travel to Oni Island, they encounter the fierce Inu (Dogs), the clever and slapstick Saru (Monkeys), and the intellectual and ephemeral Kijii (Birds). To have any chance of overcoming the fierce Oni, they’ll have to overcome their differences first. Can they work together to return peace and freedom to their homes? Traditional festival music, folk dance, drumming and Japanese language are part of this colorful adaptation of the classic Japanese folktale MOMOTARO.


by Shoshannah Boray


He loves her unconditionally, without worrying about practicalities; she wants to know where their next meal is coming from. What is the test of true love?

He loves her unconditionally, without worrying about practicalities; she wants to know where their next meal is coming from. What is the test of true love?

A Sibling Quartet

by Shoshannah Boray


4 sets of blood siblings struggle with their bonds of love and opposition, competition and difference: classic sibling rivalry. Concerned with the ways we love and experience one another, the play asks if it is possible to put aside our assumptions, and our differences, in order to care for one another, and perhaps understand one another, -- not just as siblings, but as friends, country(men), and fellow...

4 sets of blood siblings struggle with their bonds of love and opposition, competition and difference: classic sibling rivalry. Concerned with the ways we love and experience one another, the play asks if it is possible to put aside our assumptions, and our differences, in order to care for one another, and perhaps understand one another, -- not just as siblings, but as friends, country(men), and fellow humans.

The Cassandra Syndrome

by Shoshannah Boray


Set in Ancient Greece, full of egotistical and childish Greek Gods, noble and war-mongering monarchs and soldiers, the dapper Paris and savvy Helen, and with references to and inspiration from some of today's amazing young activists, The Cassandra Syndrome is a call to action for today's youth to step up and make a better tomorrow.

Set in Ancient Greece, full of egotistical and childish Greek Gods, noble and war-mongering monarchs and soldiers, the dapper Paris and savvy Helen, and with references to and inspiration from some of today's amazing young activists, The Cassandra Syndrome is a call to action for today's youth to step up and make a better tomorrow.

Witches' Brew, a re-imagining of MacBeth

by Shoshannah Boray


In a medieval nightclub, three witches concoct a scheme to disrupt all that is honorable in humankind. It begins with a politician, a sign of fate, and his trusted wife, encouraging him to put his calling above the law. The witches stir the pot.

Witche's Brew is a re-imagining of the original tale of power and greed-- Shakespeare’s Macbeth-- in a time not unlike our own. With original music.

In a medieval nightclub, three witches concoct a scheme to disrupt all that is honorable in humankind. It begins with a politician, a sign of fate, and his trusted wife, encouraging him to put his calling above the law. The witches stir the pot.

Witche's Brew is a re-imagining of the original tale of power and greed-- Shakespeare’s Macbeth-- in a time not unlike our own. With original music.

Past, Present, Perfect

by Shoshannah Boray


Four friends grapple with adult life, the dreams of their youth, and unexpected, difficult decisions. What are the sacrifices you make for the ones you love?  Past, Present, Perfect is a play that is both intimate and experimental in form, questioning ideas about perspective and absolutes.

Four friends grapple with adult life, the dreams of their youth, and unexpected, difficult decisions. What are the sacrifices you make for the ones you love?  Past, Present, Perfect is a play that is both intimate and experimental in form, questioning ideas about perspective and absolutes.

Philo/Love + Dendrun/To Be Firm

by Shoshannah Boray


Helen stands up to her Mother by getting a plant.

Helen stands up to her Mother by getting a plant.