Recommended by Andy Boyd

  • Some Guy Masturbated In The Ocean
    28 Sep. 2019
  • At World's End
    10 Mar. 2019
    Low-key my favorite ten minute play. It's funny, strange, and moving. It's also one of the only good plays about climate change. It's ten minutes long. I would watch it for another hour and a half.
  • The Colony
    10 Mar. 2019
    The Colony is the only play I know of about the eugenics movement, which attempted to systematically deny women who were poor, black, or disabled the right to reproduce. Gina's play refuses to place eugenics in the safe category of "ideas we don't believe anymore," asking us profound questions about why a woman's ability to reproduce on terms of her choosing is still so threatening in 2019.
  • Maybe Tomorrow
    10 Mar. 2019
    I love this play. It starts with a very dumb premise (lady won't get off the toilet!) that quickly becomes a darkly funny look at codependency and the lengths we will go to not change. Gail's desire to find a "pause room" away from the chaos of everyday life is relatable to anyone who has ever hid from the world in the safe confines of their phone, only to find the world stubbornly unwilling to stop turning and wait for you.
  • The Troll King
    10 Mar. 2019
    Aeneas Sagar Hemphill is the poet laureate of disaffected young men, deeply in tune to the seductive power of reactionary ideologies that promise to resolve the contradictions of adolescence by doubling down on patriarchy. This play traces the process by which the internet goes from a place of refuge to a training ground for violence. There are very few good plays about the internet. This is among the best.
  • Princess Clara of Loisaida
    10 Mar. 2019
    I love this play. It skillfully blends the traditions of magical realism and nerd theatre to tell a heart-breaking story of two siblings loving each other to death while pursuing their dreams. It's a play about the meaning of home (mythical/ancestral vs. contested/temporary/"real") and the power of stories.
  • The Hour of Feeling
    7 Feb. 2015
    This is the best play I've read in months. The dialogue is crisp. The characters are alive. The intersections between life and literature call to mind W;t, and are just as effective.
