"Verboten" delves into the intolerance of 1936 Germany, where any self, artistic, or religious expression is quickly becoming suspicious. The young people of Rossi's musical play are dimensional, never falling into stereotype, due to his thorough research and deft portrayals. The music and lyrics of his writing partner John Rorhkemper underscore this excellent play. A wonderful read -- easy to envision "Verboten" onstage. Well done, Tyler Joseph Rossi.
"Verboten" delves into the intolerance of 1936 Germany, where any self, artistic, or religious expression is quickly becoming suspicious. The young people of Rossi's musical play are dimensional, never falling into stereotype, due to his thorough research and deft portrayals. The music and lyrics of his writing partner John Rorhkemper underscore this excellent play. A wonderful read -- easy to envision "Verboten" onstage. Well done, Tyler Joseph Rossi.