Recommended by Paul Smith

  • Pluto
    6 Sep. 2023
    What a cracking monologue this is for an actor, layered with tension, horror and a decent helping of insanity. Debbie Lamedman has created a masterly piece of theatre offering so much to an actor and director to work with and to leave an audience uncomfortable, spooked and disturbed - fabulous stuff!
  • Essie and Willie (a monologue)
    6 Sep. 2023
    This is so clear, so vivid, you feel so 'there', that it doesn't seem possible to come from an imagination - it just has to be real, a memory relived. Morey Norkin's recollection makes for the most delightful of monologues, one which is choc-a-block full of the kind of memories we all have when we reach a certain age. Utterly gorgeous.
  • The Sunset Train - 10 Minute Play
    24 Aug. 2023
    What a super piece of work is this. Ryan Kaminski skilfully sets up an American Western atmosphere - you can smell the dust - and delivers a wonderful short play with two superbly drawn characters - truly this could make a full-length story - a feature film even... an excellent story which draws you in immediately and keeps you moving nearer and nearer the edge of your seat.
  • FAMILY BY NUMBERS Award-winning 10-minute drama
    20 Aug. 2023
    I can't believe I haven't already recommended this stunning piece of writing. When I first read FAMILY BY NUMBERS I was struck by the amount of story-telling that was to be found in a ten minute play; the simplicity of the set up and the depth of the drama; the emotional swings and roundabouts. It has everything and stays with you - it has with me - I cannot recommend Arianna Rose's elegant and heartfelt play enough - writing of the highest calibre.
  • He Said It With Flowers (Monologue)
    14 Aug. 2023
    Cracking short piece from Paul Donnelly which gets straight to the point and goes straight for the jugular. Incisive, searing and spot on!
  • Fanny and Stella and Daddy Marlowe
    13 Aug. 2023
    This utterly fascinating play based on actual events is vividly told by Lee Lawing; a lesser known piece of Victorian history and of the law surrounding sex and sexuality - how things have progressed; but issues are debated continually. The dialogue is sharp and the story-telling is compelling. It is so wonderful to read such an intelligent piece of work which has been soundly researched and offered up as a great piece of writing - would be amazing to see it expanded into a full-length piece or something for film/TV - Wonderful.
  • Turn Around Where Possible ( A Sat-Nav Dilemma)
    13 Aug. 2023
    This is just so funny - but also spookily realistic - many a time I have argued with my sat-nav - ok, I am a bit nuts! However with the developments in AI is this not something that may come to pass in the near future? Chris Plumridge has created a really effective short play which is guaranteed to bring smiles and laughter to any audience. Clever, smart and thoroughly entertaining!
  • Rewind
    13 Aug. 2023
    This is another wonderful piece of writing from Morey Norkin, whose imagination is as fertile as the best yielding farmland. One is lured into one genre, only to be shifted into a multitude of others - the story is funny, weird, disturbing and intriguing by turn. For those of a certain age, it also brings back memories of a time which seems long past. Brilliant stuff - I love it!
  • Seven -twelve (a monologue)
    13 Aug. 2023
    A fragment of time is shown here in all its vividness. Marilyn Ollett describes both Christmas congestion in London and then a moment of devastation so very clearly in this cracking short piece.
  • Mahatma, Martin, Mother Theresa, and You [a 1-minute play]
    7 Aug. 2023
    This is as smart a piece of writing to relay an important message as you are likely to find. The simple setting, the simple words, the simple actions provide a living meme for caring. A very big flash of inspiration from Steven G Martin.
