Gatton shows that what a person does in a crisis reflects their true character. In "JAM," a short comedy that abruptly shifts into a tragedy, a presumed monster shows kindness, perceived antagonists transform into allies, and the tiny drama of a paper jam in office equipment is put in proper context in the drama of the larger world.
"JAM" is one of Gatton's anthology plays with ties to a tragic central event, whose effects ripple for years. Wonderful breadth of writing.
Gatton shows that what a person does in a crisis reflects their true character. In "JAM," a short comedy that abruptly shifts into a tragedy, a presumed monster shows kindness, perceived antagonists transform into allies, and the tiny drama of a paper jam in office equipment is put in proper context in the drama of the larger world.
"JAM" is one of Gatton's anthology plays with ties to a tragic central event, whose effects ripple for years. Wonderful breadth of writing.