Recommended by Scott Sickles

  • Scott Sickles: You'll be Missed, Stephen Sondheim

    A lovely eulogy to an icon by a stranger.

    If we're lucky, we have an artist or artists who are everpresent, bookmarking our lives, and for those who are exceptionally lucky, it's Sondheim.

    Medlin's tribute is heartfelt but not sentimental, intimate and universal.

    A lovely eulogy to an icon by a stranger.

    If we're lucky, we have an artist or artists who are everpresent, bookmarking our lives, and for those who are exceptionally lucky, it's Sondheim.

    Medlin's tribute is heartfelt but not sentimental, intimate and universal.

  • Scott Sickles: The United Plays of America - Delaware

    I have long suspected... nay, *insisted* that Delaware is a made-up place. There is no convincing me otherwise. And this plaY cements that belief!

    I cannot see how it's possible for the chicken-to-human ratio to be that extraordinarily out of whack! But for the sake of great theater, I willingly suspend my disbelief and embrace it – almost as much as I embrace these delightful characters and their respective commitment to chicken rights and bad puns. Their wacky idealism and unquestioning camaraderie are delicious as a perfect chicken tender!

    It makes me wish that these characters and...

    I have long suspected... nay, *insisted* that Delaware is a made-up place. There is no convincing me otherwise. And this plaY cements that belief!

    I cannot see how it's possible for the chicken-to-human ratio to be that extraordinarily out of whack! But for the sake of great theater, I willingly suspend my disbelief and embrace it – almost as much as I embrace these delightful characters and their respective commitment to chicken rights and bad puns. Their wacky idealism and unquestioning camaraderie are delicious as a perfect chicken tender!

    It makes me wish that these characters and Delaware were real.

  • Scott Sickles: The Alley

    Magnificent. Nothing short of magnificent.

    Not to mention surprising in a very fundamental way. There are unexpected dynamics between the two characters. Then soon, it becomes clear: this is a battle between ones person's earnest, sincere, desire to help and another's unmitigated need for accountability.

    A terrible thing has happened: an act of callousness and indifference, and I cannot honestly say I wouldn't have committed the same sin. Soucy points out a societal neglect, indicting his characters and people in general with surgical specificity.

    As resonant as it is profound.

    Magnificent. Nothing short of magnificent.

    Not to mention surprising in a very fundamental way. There are unexpected dynamics between the two characters. Then soon, it becomes clear: this is a battle between ones person's earnest, sincere, desire to help and another's unmitigated need for accountability.

    A terrible thing has happened: an act of callousness and indifference, and I cannot honestly say I wouldn't have committed the same sin. Soucy points out a societal neglect, indicting his characters and people in general with surgical specificity.

    As resonant as it is profound.

  • Scott Sickles: The Bear - Diamonds are for Heather

    Oh the joy of a new escapade for our immortal and indelible antihero, The Bear!

    The tales get taller as playwright Plumridge takes us genre-jumping with his beloved creation, and here our undead ursine night creature goes quite literally and blissfully over the top!

    This delightful hat tip to the heist action subgenre is more than just a titular homage to James Bond. (I challenge you NOT to hear The Bear pronounce "sexy" like Sean Connery!) There’s romance, acrobatics, and property damage!

    What more could a Bear fan want???

    Oh the joy of a new escapade for our immortal and indelible antihero, The Bear!

    The tales get taller as playwright Plumridge takes us genre-jumping with his beloved creation, and here our undead ursine night creature goes quite literally and blissfully over the top!

    This delightful hat tip to the heist action subgenre is more than just a titular homage to James Bond. (I challenge you NOT to hear The Bear pronounce "sexy" like Sean Connery!) There’s romance, acrobatics, and property damage!

    What more could a Bear fan want???

  • Scott Sickles: Monologues: 2021-2022

    Where to begin? What a terrific cavalcade of characters. And as you move from piece the piece, the excerpted speeches provide a great sample of Bethany Dickens Assaf’s voice as a playwright. The characters are beautifully individuated, the circumstances for each are clear, and they all speak with a purpose (rather than into an expositional void).

    Each would make a an excellent audition piece, most regardless of gender.

    Have a look! At the very least it’s like watching some great coming attractions!

    Where to begin? What a terrific cavalcade of characters. And as you move from piece the piece, the excerpted speeches provide a great sample of Bethany Dickens Assaf’s voice as a playwright. The characters are beautifully individuated, the circumstances for each are clear, and they all speak with a purpose (rather than into an expositional void).

    Each would make a an excellent audition piece, most regardless of gender.

    Have a look! At the very least it’s like watching some great coming attractions!

  • Scott Sickles: The Big Sneeze (or Much Achoo About Nothing)

    If anything, this is a play about making better choices about time management! One should not schedule a pickleball match and a wedding on the closing night of a show! Those first two things can wait!

    The other important lesson is to never hold in a sneeze, even when you're almost at places! If you do... well, it's just one disaster after another.

    The screwball dialogue zings while the catastrophes zip along. It's hard not to root for Pam and Larry -- mesh, he's right -- for Larry and Pam! A fun romp about a rough (almost) 24 hours!

    If anything, this is a play about making better choices about time management! One should not schedule a pickleball match and a wedding on the closing night of a show! Those first two things can wait!

    The other important lesson is to never hold in a sneeze, even when you're almost at places! If you do... well, it's just one disaster after another.

    The screwball dialogue zings while the catastrophes zip along. It's hard not to root for Pam and Larry -- mesh, he's right -- for Larry and Pam! A fun romp about a rough (almost) 24 hours!

  • Scott Sickles: PET ROCK

    I didn't read the description before I read the monologue. So, I didn't know...

    I recommend this. (But if you already know, that's fine too!)

    Imagining the monologue as a show and tell type speech given in front of a class (or similar) it soars. An adorable yet never cloying portrait of innocence ultimately leading to a poignant ending. Her specificity with how long she had the rock and her attachment to it indicated a neurodivergence (not wrong!) and details about the rock provide further clues to the truth. It's lovely no matter what.

    But the truth is really cool!

    I didn't read the description before I read the monologue. So, I didn't know...

    I recommend this. (But if you already know, that's fine too!)

    Imagining the monologue as a show and tell type speech given in front of a class (or similar) it soars. An adorable yet never cloying portrait of innocence ultimately leading to a poignant ending. Her specificity with how long she had the rock and her attachment to it indicated a neurodivergence (not wrong!) and details about the rock provide further clues to the truth. It's lovely no matter what.

    But the truth is really cool!

  • Scott Sickles: Gregor and Yahweh Drinking Coffee

    The epistemology, genealogy, and longevity of gods… all in 8 brisk pages! Cern tackles a few eternal questions, most notably “which came first, the deity or the belief?” Who created Whom? The adversaries are well matched, the characters delightful, any familiar tropes are made fresh, I don’t know why it takes place in Prague but I love that it does, and there’s even a magic trick that totally won me over.

    If you like philosophy, religion, or the philosophy of religion, this is a rich confection that’s also good for you!

    Onward and Amen!

    The epistemology, genealogy, and longevity of gods… all in 8 brisk pages! Cern tackles a few eternal questions, most notably “which came first, the deity or the belief?” Who created Whom? The adversaries are well matched, the characters delightful, any familiar tropes are made fresh, I don’t know why it takes place in Prague but I love that it does, and there’s even a magic trick that totally won me over.

    If you like philosophy, religion, or the philosophy of religion, this is a rich confection that’s also good for you!

    Onward and Amen!

  • Scott Sickles: Beyond The Door

    At face value, this is a delightful tale about facing your fears, trusting your instincts, and questioning your world to prepare for the next -- or even your first -- great adventure!

    Through an LGBTQIA+ lens, it becomes a clarion call! It illustrates how children start out as exactly who we are. Then we're faced with The Closet, the manifestation of all the fears that keep us from moving forward. Beyond The Closet, there are worlds to explore. But we have to make it through The Closet to get there. As many of us have and do.

    Away we go!

    At face value, this is a delightful tale about facing your fears, trusting your instincts, and questioning your world to prepare for the next -- or even your first -- great adventure!

    Through an LGBTQIA+ lens, it becomes a clarion call! It illustrates how children start out as exactly who we are. Then we're faced with The Closet, the manifestation of all the fears that keep us from moving forward. Beyond The Closet, there are worlds to explore. But we have to make it through The Closet to get there. As many of us have and do.

    Away we go!

  • Scott Sickles: Knowledge Worker

    I didn't read the keywords or the description, just the title, and went in blind. You don't need to know what the playwright is going for to enjoy the hell out of this almost wordless pantomime. The physical comedy is delightful.

    As a person with ADHD, I thought it perfectly represented what it's like trying to write, or complete a project, or form a complex thought while being interrupted constantly by other thoughts and sensations. Knowing the intent going in helps the payoff, of course. But your own interpretation can still be a great ride before the clarifying reveal.

    I didn't read the keywords or the description, just the title, and went in blind. You don't need to know what the playwright is going for to enjoy the hell out of this almost wordless pantomime. The physical comedy is delightful.

    As a person with ADHD, I thought it perfectly represented what it's like trying to write, or complete a project, or form a complex thought while being interrupted constantly by other thoughts and sensations. Knowing the intent going in helps the payoff, of course. But your own interpretation can still be a great ride before the clarifying reveal.