Jolie Frazer-Madge

Jolie Frazer-Madge

Jolie Frazer-Madge (she/her/hers) is a freelance stage manager and playwright based in Boston. As a stage manager, she has a particular interest in new work, devised pieces, immersive theatre, and really anything else that people might consider "impossible". Born and raised in South Carolina, she is very passionate about works that diversify Southern and queer narratives.


  • Hallmark Dystopia
    "I know the answer but why are Hallmark movies that?"

    In this satire of the Hallmark Christmas movie, successful businesswoman Bridget Lake leaves the Big City and heads to Yuletown to scope out some new business prospects. While she's there, she butts heads with local Christmas tree farmer Brent. The two of them are slowly able to reconcile their differences, but is...
    "I know the answer but why are Hallmark movies that?"

    In this satire of the Hallmark Christmas movie, successful businesswoman Bridget Lake leaves the Big City and heads to Yuletown to scope out some new business prospects. While she's there, she butts heads with local Christmas tree farmer Brent. The two of them are slowly able to reconcile their differences, but is this world actually what it seems?
  • Groundhog Day Party Play
    ~This party's just another haunted house~
    Have you ever wondered what it would be like to relive a wild Saturday night over and over? The gossip, the drama, the hangover? College sophomore Caroline and her group of friends are about to find out, and maybe learn some things about themselves along the way in this campy romp through the fabric of space and time.
  • Plaid Girl: A Superhero Musical;
    book by Jolie Frazer-Madge and Turner Carson; music and lyrics by Caroline Boyt; additional lyrics by Jolie Frazer-Madge

    Plaid Girl is a story of Plaid Girl, the plaid themed superhero, and her little brother Stinky Sammy as they attempt to become real superheroes. Along the way, they meet the League of Justice and the League Of Super
    Extraordinarily Rad Superheroes (L.O.S.E.R.S) as they...
    book by Jolie Frazer-Madge and Turner Carson; music and lyrics by Caroline Boyt; additional lyrics by Jolie Frazer-Madge

    Plaid Girl is a story of Plaid Girl, the plaid themed superhero, and her little brother Stinky Sammy as they attempt to become real superheroes. Along the way, they meet the League of Justice and the League Of Super
    Extraordinarily Rad Superheroes (L.O.S.E.R.S) as they attempt to save the world from The Bureaucrat.

Recommended by Jolie Frazer-Madge

  • Christmastown - A Hanukkah Play
    14 Aug. 2023
    A delightful read that masterfully balances camp and heart. A fantastic play for all seasons, not just the winter holidays. Plus that ending will have you on the edge of your seat!
  • Skin and Bone
    13 Aug. 2023
    I absolutely LOVED this play. So dark and twisted but also extremely campy and fun. There is a great sense of suspense that builds throughout.
    1 Aug. 2023
    An absolutely FANTASTIC play about female rage and empowerment. I was fortunate enough to get to see this play in performance and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. Most importantly, this play has saved me from ever having to read a David Mamet play.
  • High School Dybbuk
    1 Aug. 2023
    A dark and exciting take on how grief can affect us and challenge our relationships to others. As a non-Jew, it was also a really great introduction to a piece of Jewish canon that I might not have discovered otherwise.
  • Welcome to Matteson!
    27 May. 2022
    This play takes the family dinner trope and flips it on its head in such a dementedly fun way! Its take on gentrification is something I want to see more of in theater.