Recommended by Amy Berryman

  • Amy Berryman: Amputations

    An incredible piece that will stay with me for a very long time. Rosenberg has created four thrilling, upsetting, complex characters in this tense, dark, and at times laugh out loud funny play. Highly recommend!

    An incredible piece that will stay with me for a very long time. Rosenberg has created four thrilling, upsetting, complex characters in this tense, dark, and at times laugh out loud funny play. Highly recommend!

  • Amy Berryman: Victorian Psychedelic Sleepover Play

    Loved this play when I saw it read at IAMA! Shealy's writing is razor-sharp and hilarious - it feels incredibly contemporary and fresh even as it crosses into the Victorian Era. Can't recommend this play enough!

    Loved this play when I saw it read at IAMA! Shealy's writing is razor-sharp and hilarious - it feels incredibly contemporary and fresh even as it crosses into the Victorian Era. Can't recommend this play enough!

  • Amy Berryman: PEACHY: a sorta chekhovian traumedy

    Sharma balances the trauma and comedy perfectly in this hysterical, heart-wrenching, time-bending piece. I saw it read in a packed audience that ate up every minute. Highly recommend!

    Sharma balances the trauma and comedy perfectly in this hysterical, heart-wrenching, time-bending piece. I saw it read in a packed audience that ate up every minute. Highly recommend!

  • Amy Berryman: The Golem

    This play takes my breath away. In just ten minutes, Berley creates a deep, specific world, in which deep, specific grief lives. Simple, beautiful, profound.

    This play takes my breath away. In just ten minutes, Berley creates a deep, specific world, in which deep, specific grief lives. Simple, beautiful, profound.

  • Amy Berryman: Love and the Fear of it All

    Hilarious, lovely play that hits hard in 2020 even though it's set in 2016. A joy to read and I'm sure will be an even greater joy to see staged.

    Hilarious, lovely play that hits hard in 2020 even though it's set in 2016. A joy to read and I'm sure will be an even greater joy to see staged.

  • Amy Berryman: Last Ship to Proxima Centauri

    Amazing play! A brilliant critique of colonialism, white supremacy, and appropriation in the form of a sci-fi adventure. Funny, exciting, and vicious in its commentary on 2020. Would be such an incredible opportunity for designers and director.

    Amazing play! A brilliant critique of colonialism, white supremacy, and appropriation in the form of a sci-fi adventure. Funny, exciting, and vicious in its commentary on 2020. Would be such an incredible opportunity for designers and director.

  • Amy Berryman: The Mozart Play

    An absolutely brilliant play with gorgeous roles for women. Funny, dark, full of longing. A beautiful final act that will make you reconsider your ideas about genius, heaven, and hell.

    An absolutely brilliant play with gorgeous roles for women. Funny, dark, full of longing. A beautiful final act that will make you reconsider your ideas about genius, heaven, and hell.

  • Amy Berryman: Fuck Your Motivation, Fuck Your Productivity, But Most Of All, Fuck Your Quarantine Play

    My feelings exactly. Brilliant use of one minute. Read and have a laugh/groan!

    My feelings exactly. Brilliant use of one minute. Read and have a laugh/groan!

  • Amy Berryman: Wendy and the Neckbeards

    Wow. A remarkable, sharp play that speaks to the current moment. The kind of play that draws you in and then blows up its own rules and structure in such a satisfying way. I will be thinking about Wendy, Jess, Bree, Shih, and yes, even Chad, for a long time.

    Wow. A remarkable, sharp play that speaks to the current moment. The kind of play that draws you in and then blows up its own rules and structure in such a satisfying way. I will be thinking about Wendy, Jess, Bree, Shih, and yes, even Chad, for a long time.

  • Amy Berryman: More Than the Animals

    I love this monologue! The world is extremely rich, I have such a strong vision of all the offstage characters, and the journey so rewarding in the end. Left me wishing I could see more of Imogenene taking over the world after she survives this difficult moment, because *spoiler alert* she will.

    I love this monologue! The world is extremely rich, I have such a strong vision of all the offstage characters, and the journey so rewarding in the end. Left me wishing I could see more of Imogenene taking over the world after she survives this difficult moment, because *spoiler alert* she will.