Recommended by Samantha Marchant

  • Samantha Marchant: California

    Expert storytelling splintering off to examine the core. Very relatable to think back and examine a family moment after which nothing was the same.

    Expert storytelling splintering off to examine the core. Very relatable to think back and examine a family moment after which nothing was the same.

  • Samantha Marchant: Coach Coach

    Love this script! Many moments sparkle with camp and dazzle with fugue. Patti with the chair at the end... what a perfect exit.

    Love this script! Many moments sparkle with camp and dazzle with fugue. Patti with the chair at the end... what a perfect exit.

  • Samantha Marchant: Rye Bread

    I admire the refined pace of this script. It's left me thinking a lot about halfness and full.

    I admire the refined pace of this script. It's left me thinking a lot about halfness and full.

  • Samantha Marchant: I'm Gonna Need You to Log off for Me

    In a short span, Prillaman nails the voices of these 4 characters. Moxi has some hoot-of-a-lines and the force behind Trent and his entrance - hysterical! We bounce along this ethical journey to a satisfying, intelligent point.

    In a short span, Prillaman nails the voices of these 4 characters. Moxi has some hoot-of-a-lines and the force behind Trent and his entrance - hysterical! We bounce along this ethical journey to a satisfying, intelligent point.

  • Samantha Marchant: She said YES: A Trilogy

    So very nicely crafted! Chilling to see how each piece grew out of what was there before.

    So very nicely crafted! Chilling to see how each piece grew out of what was there before.

  • Samantha Marchant: The Discovery

    Quick and sharp!

    Quick and sharp!

  • Samantha Marchant: Lamentations (Rielle and the Owl Hunter - Part II)

    Man, I am HERE for this story. Part II is an epic addition to Part I and has a great arc all of its own. Sun and Moon... SUN AND MOON! I won't ruin it for you... but SUN AND MOON!!! Not to mention the immense care and intrigue crafted with the solid ensemble of other characters and storylines. Threads are weaving and I can't wait for Part III!

    Man, I am HERE for this story. Part II is an epic addition to Part I and has a great arc all of its own. Sun and Moon... SUN AND MOON! I won't ruin it for you... but SUN AND MOON!!! Not to mention the immense care and intrigue crafted with the solid ensemble of other characters and storylines. Threads are weaving and I can't wait for Part III!

  • Samantha Marchant: The S Paradox

    I enjoyed the time hopping in this script - I thought it was very well done. There's intrigue, there's plots that need to be thwarted, there's lots of strong female characters - all ingredients for a enticing night of theatre!

    I enjoyed the time hopping in this script - I thought it was very well done. There's intrigue, there's plots that need to be thwarted, there's lots of strong female characters - all ingredients for a enticing night of theatre!

  • Samantha Marchant: The King's Plague (Rielle and the Owl Hunter - Part I)

    This script is solid. I LOVE the use of the moon and sun characters, so theatrical. This story moves and I can't wait to see what happens next to these characters. The ending is totally satisfying to solidify this script as a complete night of theatre while at the same time laying the ground work for future parts. Fantasy on stage! Do it! With this play!

    This script is solid. I LOVE the use of the moon and sun characters, so theatrical. This story moves and I can't wait to see what happens next to these characters. The ending is totally satisfying to solidify this script as a complete night of theatre while at the same time laying the ground work for future parts. Fantasy on stage! Do it! With this play!

  • Samantha Marchant: Her Room

    I felt gently guided down to the setting of this play to witness this story unfold between two siblings. Haunting.

    I felt gently guided down to the setting of this play to witness this story unfold between two siblings. Haunting.